Hi Petr,

we already discussed on IRC, but see some comments below
On 03/28/2014 04:11 PM, Petr Viktorin wrote:
I'm trying to add ACIs to allow read access to containers, and I need some input.

The DS's access control system is not designed to allow access to a single entry but not its descendants. The [ACI documentation] suggests some ways to work around it.

This doesn't work that well for read access in IPA:

$SUFFIX needs anonymous read access; ipa-client-install looks for "info=IPA V2.0" anonymously. cn=accounts,$SUFFIX needs read access if it or any of its children are to be listed in a GUI cn=users,cn=accounts,$SUFFIX needs read access if it or any users are to be listed in a GUI
uid=*,cn=accounts,$SUFFIX might need to have anonymous reads denied

It's safe to expose IPA's default containers anonymously; all they tell the user is that they're looking an IPA server.

The container entries themselves just have cn and an objectClass of cnContainer, so it's impossible to construct a general targetfilter that targets them but not any possible descendants.

I see 3 possible solutions:
1) File a DS RFE to implement [targetscope]. With that we could have ACIs that only target a single entry, so admins could manage read access to containers in the usual way (with permissions). 2) Add a (objectClass=nsContainer) filter. The problem here is that if this is on cn=accounts,$S, it would also affect e.g. cn=users,cn=accounts,$S, and other nsContainers under it. For example, cn=$HOSTNAME,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$S is a nsContainer. 3) Add a special attribute to mark "public" containers, and add an ACI with a filter on that. Something like objectClass=ipaPublicContainer would do.
there is one more option
4) add an allow aci for cn=accounts,$S and a deny aci for cn=*,cn=accounts,$S or uid=*,cn=accounts,$S

In general I think we should implement 1), there will be other scenarios where it could be useful. If something is needed imemdiately I would also prefer 3)

I'm thinking about 3, but I'd like to ask an LDAP expert for opinions.

Note that children can be accessible even if the parent isn't. This whole container business only affects exploring the DIT with a GUI-ish tool.

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