Jan Cholasta wrote:

the attached patches implement automatic CA certificate renewal as well
as the initial version of the CA certificate management tool.

Requires my patches 172-196.

In order to test, you must install current git version of certmonger
(see <https://fedorahosted.org/certmonger/ticket/26>) and set SELinux to
permissive (see <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1078783>).
Make sure you install certmonger before running
ipa-server-install/ipa-replica-install. On F20 you can use RPMs located
at <http://jcholast.fedorapeople.org/certmonger-git/>.

To test automatic renewal, move system time forward (see
<https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2803#comment:17> for more info
about certificate renewal testing, nickname of the CA certificate is
"caSigningCert cert-pki-ca"). In CA-full installs the renewal should be
fully automatic, in CA-less installs you should be alerted via syslog to
renew the certificate using ipa-cacert-manage.

To test manual renewal, run "ipa-cacert-manage renew". You can run it on
any CA master. To make the renewed certificate available on other CA
masters, you must run "getcert resubmit -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -n
'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca'" on each of them. Note that currently you
can't change the chaining of the CA certificate.


Not to be too anal, but would it be too outlandish to compare the Authority Key Identifier (if there is one) with the Subject Key ID to see if the cert is self-signed? Same subject then yeah, it is probably self-signed. The keys match? Definitely.


I wonder if it would be clearer to use variables instead of a raw list in the return value for these handlers: (result, message) = handler(...) rather than examining result[0], etc. That may be beyond the scope of this patch though.

x509.normalize_certificate() can raise an exception, there should be a try/except around it.

For an invalid cookie, please include the values seen in the environment in the error message.


You are going to end up with a lot of acis with the same comment value. Perhaps add the host in there as well.

These are not removed when a master is deleted.


There are now several different places where the caCertificate value is updated. I wonder if it's time for a function. I found it it in dsinstance.py, upload_cacert and now renew_ca_cert.


caRenewalMaster should be checked when a replica is deleted and moved to another master. This is a good idea. I wonder if a ticket should be opened to do something similar for CRL generation.


We've been burned by hardcoded timeouts in the past. Should this be configurable? This module doesn't currently do any logging but it might be worth spitting out a "waiting" message, at least for debugging.


nss_init() is always scary to me since we can only have one. I didn't see anything blow up, just wondering if this should be wrapped with an is_initialized()->shutdown() at the top.

The find_cert_from_nickname() should be in a try/except in case the cert is not found for some reason.


The tool should provide some feedback while it's running. For the impatient (me) it takes a really long time and it's hard to know what is going on, something in between nothing and full debug output.

The man page needs some more work too. I think some more explanation is needed and an example would probably be really helpful as well. I think particularly an example for external certs and a description of what you mean by Self-signed CA (I assume you mean IPA-provided). I don't think it really matters how many steps there are unless you are going to provide progress output.

Got a backtrace when running as non-root:

$ ipa-cacert-manage -v renew
ipa.ipaserver.install.ipa_cacert_manage.CACertManage: DEBUG: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/admintool.py", line 168, in execute
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/ipa_cacert_manage.py", line 62, in validate_options
    super(CACertManage, self).validate_options(needs_root=True)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/admintool.py", line 189, in validate_options
    raise ScriptError('Must be root to run %s' % self.command_name, 1)

ipa.ipaserver.install.ipa_cacert_manage.CACertManage: DEBUG: The ipa-cacert-manage command failed, exception: ScriptError: Must be root to run ipa-cacert-manage ipa.ipaserver.install.ipa_cacert_manage.CACertManage: ERROR: Must be root to run ipa-cacert-manage


In what context would this be executing? My guess is that certmonger is trying to do the renewal but a new cert hasn't been issued yet, so this gets sysloged?

Still doing functional testing.


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