On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:05:52AM +0200, Tomas Babej wrote:
> On 03/24/2014 03:27 PM, Jan Pazdziora wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 02:57:30PM +0100, Martin Kosek wrote:
> >> On 03/24/2014 02:47 PM, Jan Pazdziora wrote:
> >>> On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 08:24:41PM +0100, Tomas Babej wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> Makes ipa-client-install configure SSSD as the data provider
> >>>> for the sudo service by default. This behaviour can be disabled
> >>>> by using --no-sudo flag.
> >>>>
> >>>> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3358
> >>> Ack.
> >>>
> >>> Applied against ipa-client-3.0.0-37.el6.x86_64, tried without
> >>> --no-sudo and sudo was added to sssd.conf's services list and sudoeers
> >>> added to /etc/nsswitch.conf.
> >>>
> >>> Rerun with --uninstall and run again with the --no-sudo parameter,
> >>> those settings were not longer there.
> >>>
> >> Did you also do the functional test?
> > No. I do not want to get dragged into the discussion of having the
> > correct sssd and sudo and glibc versions and SELinux and stuff. The
> > ticket explicitly talk about setting configuration in config files,
> > which the patch does.
> >
> >> To ack and push this ticket, following
> >> scenario needs to work:
> > Consumption of those configuration changes is really different story,
> > isn't it?
> >
> >> 1) IPA clients enroll against IPA server without --no-sudo
> >> 2) IPA client user logs in, types "sudo -l", gets all allowed commands
> >> (prerequisite is of course to have sudo commands defined on the IPA server)
> >> 3) IPA client reboots, IPA client user logs in, types "sudo -l", gets all
> >> allowed commands
> >>
> >> For 2) to work, NIS domain name must be set, nsswitch and SSSD changes 
> >> must be done
> >>
> >> For 3) to work, related systemd service preserving NIS domain name setting
> >> needs to be enabled
> > With the commit message only talking about configuring sssd, I assume
> > the NIS domain name mentioned in the ticket will be done by some other
> > patch.
> >
> > To me, the patch does what is advertised in the commit message, and is
> > in line with what the ticket asks to be done.
> >
> Attached are rebased versions of the patches 113 and 167 (which was
> marked as 157 in the thread previously by mistake).
> There is a slight behaviour change in 167, if there is no sudoers line
> in nsswitch.conf, we add both files and sss as sudoers sources.
> I also developed CI test that covers the functionality of the IPA - sudo
> integration feature, which is attached.
> Please note that the last three tests are expected to fail until:
> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4324
> is fixed.
> -- 
> Tomas Babej
> Associate Software Engineer | Red Hat | Identity Management
> RHCE | Brno Site | IRC: tbabej | freeipa.org 


I haven't done a thorough review, but the patch looks good to me in
general -- in other words, seems to cover what I've been doing manually
for my test setups.

My only suggestion (maybe for future) would be to split changing the
nsswitch.conf into its own separate helper class or a function, because
you might want to do the same change for automount or other services in

But I think this version is OK at the moment.

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