Petr Viktorin wrote:
> When investigating this issue I became very annoyed by the star import
> hiding where names come from, so I did some cleanup first.
> In krbtpolicy, an ACIError is now raised if:
> - the user doesn't have permission to read any one of the ticket policy
>   attributes on the requested entry
>   (checked using attribute-level rights)
> - any ticket policy attribute from the default policy is not available
>   (either not readable, or not there at all)
>   (only checked if these are accessed, i.e. when the user entry doesn't
>    override all of the defaults, or when requesting the global policy)
> That means if the user is not available at all, you get a NotFound, but
> if global policy is not found it's assumed that it's just unreadable.

That seems reasonable to me.

I also noticed a typo, ddoesn't

In the lower-level code,, we have some help
can_[read|write|etc] for managing rights. Would doing something similar
in baseldap be better than embedding the logic into each plugins?

So instead of this:

                    if rights is None:
                        rights = baseldap.get_effective_rights(
                            ldap, dn, self.obj.default_attributes)
                    if 'r' not in rights.get(attrname.lower(), ''):
                        raise errors.ACIError(
                            info=_('Ticket policy for %s could not be
read') %

You'd have this:

                    if not baseldap.can_read(ldap, dn, attrname):
                        raise errors.ACIError(
                            info=_('Ticket policy for %s could not be
read') %

This may end up fetching the rights multiple times depending on how many
things need to be read, so perhaps passing that in if you have it already.


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