On 06/24/2014 11:30 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> On 23.6.2014 13:01, Martin Kosek wrote:
>> On 06/18/2014 02:09 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>> ...
>>>>>> 3) I am thinking why do we need to introduce all the ASN parsing? I am
>>>>>> talking
>>>>>> about _decode_krb5principalname and others. If we do not use the result
>>>>>> anywhere, why should we include this part at all?
>>>>> To work around shortcomings of NSS/python-nss. In particular,
>>>>> _decode_krb5principalname is used to decode KRB5PrincipalName SANs to a
>>>>> string.
>>>>> This is necessary because certmonger puts such SANs in certificate
>>>>> requests it
>>>>> generates.
>>>> I know, but we do not use the values besides DNS SAN type, right? I was 
>>>> just
>>>> afraid that a decode error in a decoding of an unused SAN type would cause 
>>>> the
>>>> entire CSR processing to crash.
>>> If we do not allow principal name SANs, requests from certmonger will fail. 
>>> If
>>> we allow them, but ignore them, you could request a certificate for an
>>> arbitrary unrelated principal. Thus, the only thing we can do is allow them 
>>> and
>>> validate them, which is what the patch does and why decoding 
>>> KRB5PrincipalName
>>> is necessary.
>> True, we need to make sure the principal type SANs match. ack on the intent.
>>>>>> 4) I get crash in the certmonger request:
>>>>>> ipa-getcert request -d /etc/pki/nssdb/ -n test-san-1 -I test-san-1 -g
>>>>>> 2048 -r
>>>>>> -N "cn=`hostname`" -K host/`hostname` -D test1.example.com -D
>>>>>> test2.example.com
>>>>>> -E mko...@redhat.com
>>>>>> # ipa-getcert list -i test-san-1
>>>>>> Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
>>>>>> Request ID 'test-san-1':
>>>>>>       status: CA_UNREACHABLE
>>>>>>       ca-error: Server failed request, will retry: -504 (HTTP response
>>>>>> code is
>>>>>> 500,
>>>>>> not 200).
>>>>>>       stuck: yes
>>>>>> HTTPD traceback
>>>>>> [Mon Jun 16 13:06:14.528642 2014] [:error] [pid 12941] [remote
>> ...
>>>>>> PyAsn1Error: TagSet(Tag(tagClass=128, tagFormat=0, tagId=2)) not in
>>>>>> asn1Spec:
>>>>>> _GeneralName()
>>>>> What version of certmonger are you using?
>>>> Latest Fedora 20, i.e. should be certmonger-0.71.2-1.fc20 (do not have 
>>>> access
>>>> to my VM atm). Is this a bug in certmonger?
>>> No, it's bug in my code. Fixed.
>> Works.
>>> Also added patch 301 which fixes a bug in ldap2.get_effective_rights I was
>>> hitting with patch 234.
>>> Updated patches attached.
>> Thanks. Functionally, the patch looks ok to me, we are close to final ack. 
>> Just
>> couple more minor changes need to happen:
>> 1) We decided to drop ipaVirtualOperation concept in the end and allow people
>> reading this list. This implies following changes:
>> 234 - drop ipaVirtualOperation from cn=request certificate with
>> subjectaltname,cn=virtual operations,cn=etc,$SUFFIX
>> 300 - drop the entire patch (sorry)
> OK.
>> 2) I would like to have more confidence that no unauthorized SAN extension 
>> gets
>> in. I know we have the
>> +        for name_type, name in subjectaltname:
>> +            if name_type not in (pkcs10.SAN_DNSNAME,
>> loop, but I would also like to add "else" path to the SAN type validation 
>> loop,
>> in case somebody just expands the part above, but forgot to also add
>> validation. I want us to be explicit in this case:
>> +        for name_type, name in subjectaltname:
>> +            if name_type == pkcs10.SAN_DNSNAME:
>> ...
>> +            elif name_type in (pkcs10.SAN_OTHERNAME_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME,
>> +                               pkcs10.SAN_OTHERNAME_UPN):
>> ...
>>>             else:
>>>                  raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
>>>                         "Unauthorized subject alt name '%s'.") % name)
> Fixed.
>> When this is fixed, we should be done.
>> Thanks,
>> Martin
> Updated and rebased patches attached.

This looks good. We can finally push this beast. Note that we should also add
proper tests in future exercising the new functionality.

ACK. Pushed to master: 8b8774d138348ab4b938f98dc106ea983e261262


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