On 8/21/2014 11:06 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
based  on:

- bounce url param was renamed from 'redirect' to 'url'
- support for 'delay' param added


- "Continue to next page" link is shown if 'url' is present
- page is no longer automatically redirected if 'url' is present
- automatic redirect is controlled by 'delay' param - it specifies
   number of seconds until redirection
- info message 'You will be redirected in Xs' is show to notify
   the user that something will happen. It's useful even if delay
   is 0 or negative because redirection might be slow.
- counter is decremented every second
- delay is ignored if parsed as NaN



Just one thing, when the delay=0 and the direction happens quickly, the users might see the confirmation and the redirection messages displayed briefly on the screen but they cannot read it because it's too quick, which might leave them wondering what it was.

I think delay=0 is a special case where we want a seamless integration with 3rd party application. If the password reset is completed successfully, it should just display the next page in the 3rd party application. Users shouldn't see a 'redirection' message. To them it's all one application.

Endi S. Dewata

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