Hello Nathaniel,

   An additional comment about the patch.

   When the new value is detected to be invalid, it is fixed by a
   repair operation (trigger_replication).
   I did test it and it is fine to update, with an internal operation,
   the same entry that is currently updated.

   Now if you apply the repair operation  into a be_preop or a
   betxn_preop, when it returns from preop the txn of the current
   operation will overwrite the repaired value.

   An option is to register a bepost that checks the value from the
   original entry (SLAPI_ENTRY_PRE_OP) and post entry
   (SLAPI_ENTRY_POST_OP). Then this postop checks the orginal/final
   value and can trigger the repair op.
   This time being outside of the main operation txn, the repair op
   will be applied.


On 09/29/2014 08:30 PM, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
On Mon, 2014-09-22 at 09:32 -0400, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:33:47 -0400
Nathaniel McCallum <npmccal...@redhat.com> wrote:

Comments inline.

+#define ch_malloc(type) \
+    (type*) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(type))
+#define ch_calloc(count, type) \
+    (type*) slapi_ch_calloc(count, sizeof(type))
+#define ch_free(p) \
+    slapi_ch_free((void**) &(p))
please do not redefine slapi functions, it just makes it harder to know
what you used.

+typedef struct {
+    bool exists;
+    long long value;
+} counter;

please no typedefs of structures, use "struct counter { ... };" and
reference it as "struct counter" in the code.

Btw, FWIW you could use a value of -1 to indicate non-existence of the
counter value, given counters can only be positive, this would avoid
the need for a struct.

+static int
+send_error(Slapi_PBlock *pb, int rc, char *template, ...)
+    va_list ap;
+    int res;
+    va_start(ap, template);
+    res = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, template, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+    if (res > 0) {
+        char str[res + 1];
+        va_start(ap, template);
+        res = vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), template, ap);
+        va_end(ap);
+        if (res > 0)
+            slapi_send_ldap_result(pb, rc, NULL, str, 0, NULL);
+    }
+    if (res <= 0)
+        slapi_send_ldap_result(pb, rc, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
+    slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_RESULT_CODE, &rc);
+    return rc;
This function seem not really useful, you use send_error() only at the
end of one single function where you could have the classic scheme of
using a done: label and just use directly slapi_ch_smprintf. This would
remove the need to use vsnprintf and all the va_ machinery which is
more than 50% of this function.

+static long long
+get_value(const LDAPMod *mod, long long def)
+    const struct berval *bv;
+    long long val;
+    if (mod == NULL)
+        return def;
+    if (mod->mod_vals.modv_bvals == NULL)
+        return def;
+    bv = mod->mod_vals.modv_bvals[0];
+    if (bv == NULL)
+        return def;
In general (here and elsewhere) I prefer to always use {} in if clauses.
I have been bitten enough time by people adding an instruction that
should be in the braces but forgot to add braces (defensive programming
style). But up to you.

+    char buf[bv->bv_len + 1];
+    memcpy(buf, bv->bv_val, bv->bv_len);
+    buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
+    val = strtoll(buf, NULL, 10);
+    if (val == LLONG_MIN || val == LLONG_MAX)
+        return def;
+    return val;
+static struct berval **
+make_berval_array(long long value)
+    struct berval **bvs;
+    bvs = ch_calloc(2, struct berval*);
+    bvs[0] = ch_malloc(struct berval);
+    bvs[0]->bv_val = slapi_ch_smprintf("%lld", value);
+    bvs[0]->bv_len = strlen(bvs[0]->bv_val);
+    return bvs;
+static LDAPMod *
+make_ldapmod(int op, const char *attr, long long value)
+    LDAPMod *mod;
+    mod = (LDAPMod*) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(LDAPMod));
+    mod->mod_op = op | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES;
+    mod->mod_type = slapi_ch_strdup(attr);
+    mod->mod_bvalues = make_berval_array(value);
+    return mod;
+static void
+convert_ldapmod_to_bval(LDAPMod *mod)
+    if (mod == NULL || (mod->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_BVALUES))
+        return;
+    mod->mod_op |= LDAP_MOD_BVALUES;
+    if (mod->mod_values == NULL) {
+        mod->mod_bvalues = NULL;
+        return;
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; mod->mod_values[i] != NULL; i++) {
+        struct berval *bv = ch_malloc(struct berval);
+        bv->bv_val = mod->mod_values[i];
+        bv->bv_len = strlen(bv->bv_val);
+        mod->mod_bvalues[i] = bv;
+    }
+static counter
+get_counter(Slapi_Entry *entry, const char *attr)
+    Slapi_Attr *sattr = NULL;
+    return (counter) {
+        slapi_entry_attr_find(entry, attr, &sattr) == 0,
+        slapi_entry_attr_get_longlong(entry, attr)
+    };
+static void
+berval_free_array(struct berval    ***bvals)
+    for (size_t i = 0; (*bvals)[i] != NULL; i++) {
+        ch_free((*bvals)[i]->bv_val);
+        ch_free((*bvals)[i]);
+    }
+    slapi_ch_free((void**) bvals);
+static bool
+is_replication(Slapi_PBlock *pb)
+    int repl = 0;
+    slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_IS_REPLICATED_OPERATION, &repl);
+    return repl != 0;
+static const char *
+get_attribute(Slapi_Entry *entry)
+    static struct {
+        const char *clss;
+        const char *attr;
+    } table[] = {
+        { "ipatokenHOTP", "ipatokenHOTPcounter" },
+        { "ipatokenTOTP", "ipatokenTOTPwatermark" },
+        { NULL, NULL }
+    };
+    const char *attr = NULL;
+    char **clsses = NULL;
+    clsses = slapi_entry_attr_get_charray(entry, "objectClass");
+    if (clsses == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    for (size_t i = 0; attr == NULL && clsses[i] != NULL; i++) {
+        for (size_t j = 0; attr == NULL && table[j].clss != NULL;
j++) {
+            if (PL_strcasecmp(table[j].clss, clsses[i]) == 0)
+                attr = table[j].attr;
+        }
+    }
+    slapi_ch_array_free(clsses);
+    return attr;
Can you put a comment here that explains what you are going to do in
each cases in plain English ? This will help people in future figuring
out if/how to modify the code or why something happens a specific way.
It will also help the reviewer follow what is going on.

+static int
+preop_mod(Slapi_PBlock *pb)
+    size_t count = 0, attrs = 0, extras = 0;
+    Slapi_Entry *entry = NULL;
+    const char *attr = NULL;
+    LDAPMod **inmods = NULL;
+    LDAPMod **mods = NULL;
+    counter ctr, orig;
+    /* Get the input values. */
+    slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_ENTRY_PRE_OP, &entry);
+    slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_MODIFY_MODS, &inmods);
+    if (entry == NULL || inmods == NULL)
+        return 0;
+    /* Get the attribute name. */
+    attr = get_attribute(entry);
+    if (attr == NULL)
+        return 0; /* Not a token. */
+    /* Count items. */
+    while (inmods != NULL && inmods[count] != NULL) {
^^ this one would read much better as:
     for (count = 0; inmods[count] != NULL; count++) {

You do not need to check for insmods != NULL as you already check for
it and return 0 a few lines above.

+        LDAPMod *mod = inmods[count++];
+        if (PL_strcasecmp(mod->mod_type, attr) != 0)
+            continue;
+        attrs++;
+        switch (mod->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_OP) {
+        case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE:
+        case LDAP_MOD_INCREMENT:
+            extras++;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Not operating on the counter/watermark. */
+    if (attrs == 0)
+        return 0;
+    /* Get the counter. */
+    orig = ctr = get_counter(entry, attr);
+    /* Filter the modify operations. */
+    mods = ch_calloc(count + extras + 1, LDAPMod*);
+    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; inmods != NULL && inmods[i] != NULL;
mods[j++] = inmods[i++]) {
Please remove check for insmods != NULL, it is useless, and removing it
will bring back the line under 80columns

+        LDAPMod *mod = inmods[i];
+        if (PL_strcasecmp(mod->mod_type, attr) != 0)
+            continue;
+        convert_ldapmod_to_bval(mod);
+        switch (mod->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_OP) {
+        case LDAP_MOD_DELETE:
+            ctr.exists = false;
+            if (mod->mod_bvalues != NULL && mod->mod_bvalues[0] ==
+                berval_free_array(&mod->mod_bvalues);
+            if (is_replication(pb))
+                berval_free_array(&mod->mod_bvalues);
+            if (mod->mod_bvalues == NULL)
+                mod->mod_bvalues = make_berval_array(ctr.value);
+            break;
I am not sure I understand this segment, why are you touching the
delete operation outside of a replication event ?
Doesn't this defeat and admin tool trying to correctly delete/add to
avoid races ?

+        case LDAP_MOD_INCREMENT:
+            mods[j++] = make_ldapmod(LDAP_MOD_DELETE, attr,
ctr.value); +
+            ctr.value += get_value(mod, 1);
uhmmm if you had an ADD followed by INCREMENT operation, would this
cause the value to become value*2+1 instead of just value+1 ?

+            berval_free_array(&mod->mod_bvalues);
+            mod->mod_op &= ~LDAP_MOD_OP;
+            mod->mod_op |= LDAP_MOD_ADD;
+            mod->mod_bvalues = make_berval_array(ctr.value);
+            break;
uhmm why are you converting mod_increment in all cases ? (including

+        case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE:
+            if (ctr.exists)
+                mods[j++] = make_ldapmod(LDAP_MOD_DELETE, attr,
ctr.value); +
+            mod->mod_op &= ~LDAP_MOD_OP;
+            mod->mod_op |= LDAP_MOD_ADD;
same question here, why are you converting a replace coming from
replication into a delete/add ?

+        case LDAP_MOD_ADD:
+            ctr.value = get_value(mod, 0);
+            ctr.exists = true;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Set the modified operations. */
+    slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_MODIFY_MODS, mods);
+    ch_free(inmods);
+    /* Ensure we aren't deleting the counter. */
+    if (orig.exists && !ctr.exists)
+        return send_error(pb, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
+                          "Will not delete %s", attr);
+    /* Ensure we aren't rolling back the counter. */
+    if (orig.value > ctr.value)
+        return send_error(pb, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
+                          "Will not decrement %s", attr);
+    return 0;

see above about send_error().

I think what is needed most is the comment that explains the process
at the to of the main function.

All of the above are fixed.

Also, I have addressed Thierry's concern about putting the plugin in
betxnpreoperation by splitting the plugin into two phases: modification
and validation. Now all modifications occur in bepreoperation and all
validation occurs in betxnpreoperation.

Additionally, I have new code to trigger a new replication in the case
where a validation error occurs and we are in a replication transaction.
Thus, when A attempts to push an old counter value to B, B will now
replicate the latest value back to A.


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