On 10/09/2014 03:02 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> Dne 9.10.2014 v 13:06 Martin Kosek napsal(a):
>> On 10/06/2014 12:31 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> the attached patches fix <https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4562>.
>>> Honza
>> 346 looks OK, but I still have couple points to previous 2 patches.
>> 1) I do not like much the "Red Hat-like systems" classification. While it is
>> probably OK to use "redhat" as a folder/package name, the description should
>> say something better (as Red Hat by itself is a company name, not OS name).
>> I did a little research what my colleagues think, Rich M. was suggesting
>> following what Puppet does with "osFamily" and go with "Red Hat OS family".
>> Alexander's suggestion was to do something like "Fedora/RHEL 7.x/CentOS 
>> 7.x/...
>> distributions". Up to you, though I like the "family" approach more.
> I like this more as well, fixed.
>> 2) You changed the hierarchy. Previously we had
>> base -> fedora -> rhel
>> Now we have
>> base -> redhat -> fedora
>>                \-> rhel
>> I wonder if this will be flexible enough. Fedora goes before RHEL, so we will
>> soon need to add a support for something that works in Fedora but does not 
>> work
>> in RHEL.
> Well, it's more flexible than what we had before.
>> Would we then add the new function only to fedora platform to not break rhel
>> platform?  Or would be add it to base redhat platform and update rhel 
>> platform
>> to workaround the function with what is available in rhel?
> If you want to do a Fedora-only change, you do it in the fedora module, if you
> want to do a Fedora & RHEL change, you do it in the redhat module. To make a
> Fedora-only change a Fedora & RHEL change, you move it from the fedora module
> to the redhat module. Same for RHEL-only vs. Fedora & RHEL changes.
> Think of the redhat module as a super-class and the fedora and rhel module as
> sub-classes.

Ok, works for me, ACK!

Pushed to master, ipa-4-1, ipa-4-0.


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