Hi guys,

I would like to resurrect the discussion we had during DevConf.cz time, about API compatibility in the FreeIPA server.

So right now, we maintain the backward compatibility, old clients can talk to newer servers. Forward compatibility is not maintained. Unfortunately, this is not very helpful in real deployments, where the server will often be some RHEL/CentOS system and the client may be the newest Fedora - with newer API than the server. This is the toughest part we need to solve.

There 3 main areas we wanted to attack with respect to compatibility:

1) API publishing and/or API browser
This is mostly documentation/interactive browser to see the supported API of the server. It should not be difficult, it would just consume the metadata already generated by the server.

Ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3129

2) Forward compatibility of the direct API consumers
Until now, to keep newer clients working against older server, we are using the following trick in the ipa-client-install:


It mostly works, one just needs to know the minimal version that needs to be supported. It would be more user friendly, however, if this check is done on the server automatically, without user having to research it. This applies both for ipalib python lib consumer and for direct JSON-RPC consumers.

Ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4739

3) Forward compatibility of the "ipa" client tool
There are different approaches how to fix this, the generally accepted idea was to implement very thin client, which would download and cache metadata from the server on the client and generate the CLI from it. We would only need to have separate client only plugins, basically implementing interactive_promt_callback from existing server side plugins.

Tickets: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4739, https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4768

Now, question is what we can do in 4.2. I do not think we can manage to rewrite "ipa" command in the thin client, but we should do at least some portion of 1) and 3).

I could not decipher that from our Devconf.cz notes. To me, the simplest way of fixing forward compatibility seems to be following steps (besides not making API backwards incompatible - i.e. what we do already):

- keep sending API version from client to server
- server should not refuse newer API versions
- only raise error when an unknown option or unknown command is used

When plugins change the behavior, they should check for client version and base it's action on it (sort of the capabilities we already have). This is the simple way, it would work well with the global API number and thin client also.

So this is the simple version. Simo, Nathaniel (and others), I know you proposed versions the commands themselves, but I am now not sure how exactly you wanted to do it. What exactly would it mean for the typical extension of our API - adding new parameter and how user command extensions should be treated (command parameter added).

Thank you!

Martin Kosek <mko...@redhat.com>
Supervisor, Software Engineering - Identity Management Team
Red Hat Inc.

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