On 20.3.2015 23:22, Alan Evans wrote:
> I have been working on a 3.3.3 install on CentOS that I've made some
> changes to.  I have a patch showing the changes I've made to 3.3.3.  I
> would like to submit them as a patch to freeipa (presumably for master) but
> my git-fu is not strong.
> How can I bring the patch forward to master?  Sure I could work through it
> manually I suppose. Git should have all the intermediate steps to get from
> 3.3.3 -> master so I figure there has to be a git way to do this.
> Throughts?

You are probably looking for command "git rebase".

For further information please see:
$ man git rebase

Also, you might find this link handy:

Please let us know if you encounter any problems.

Thank you for your time!

Petr^2 Spacek

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