On 30.3.2015 11:50, thierry bordaz wrote:
> Hello,
>    The aci "Admin read-only attributes" grants, for the complete
>    suffix, read access to 'admin' users for the following attributes.
>        "ipaUniqueId || memberOf || enrolledBy || krbExtraData ||
>        krbPrincipalName || krbCanonicalName || krbPasswordExpiration ||
>        krbLastPwdChange || krbLastSuccessfulAuth || krbLastFailedAuth"
>    "userPassword" and "krbPrincipalKey" are not "read-only" attributes
>    so I guess it is the reason why they are not part of this list.
>    For User life cycle, I would need admin users to be granted read
>    access on "userPassword" and "krbPrincipalKey".
>    The scope could be limited to Stage container but I was wondering if
>    there is a security reason to not grant read access on the full suffix ?

AFAIK admins were not given read access to keys and passwords on purpose as a
security measure. It prevents accidental key disclosure when admin does
ldapsearch and posts result somewhere (e.g. while debugging something).

I did not follow the whole user life-cycle discussion. Why you need read
access to it? Is it because you plan to do add/del instead of modrdn?

Petr^2 Spacek

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