On 06/19/2015 04:27 PM, Oleg Fayans wrote:
Hi everybody,

While preparing the replica files on the latest IPA master I've noticed
the following error messages in the dirsrv error log:

[19/Jun/2015:15:26:10 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
(vm-244:389): Replication bind with SIMPLE auth failed: LDAP error -1
(Can't contact LDAP server) ()

Probably a leftover CA replication agreement with some removed master. Can be removed with ipa-csreplica-manage del --force.

[19/Jun/2015:15:26:10 +0200] - Entry "uid=admin,ou=people,o=ipaca" --
attribute "krbExtraData" not allowed
[19/Jun/2015:15:26:13 +0200] slapi_ldap_bind - Error: could not send
startTLS request: error -1 (Can't contact LDAP server) errno 0 (Success)

Though the stdout of the replica preparation reports success, when I
later use the resulting gpg file to actually setup a replica the setup
process fails with the following output:

Configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc). Estimated time: 30 seconds
   [1/8]: adding sasl mappings to the directory
   [2/8]: configuring KDC
   [3/8]: creating a keytab for the directory
   [4/8]: creating a keytab for the machine
   [5/8]: adding the password extension to the directory
   [6/8]: enable GSSAPI for replication
   [error] RuntimeError: One of the ldap service principals is missing.
Replication agreement cannot be converted.
Replication error message: Unable to acquire replicaLDAP error: No such
Your system may be partly configured.
Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.

ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(Replica): ERROR    One of the
ldap service principals is missing. Replication agreement cannot be
Replication error message: Unable to acquire replicaLDAP error: No such

The corresponding part of the ipareplica-install.log is attached

I've encountered this already twice. The strangest part is that I
prepared 3 replicas simultaneously: 2 of them installed successfully and
one - failed. All three replicas were launched from the same vm-template

Could this be the cause? It would be safer to run it sequentially.
Petr Vobornik

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