On 06/23/2015 11:27 AM, Oleg Fayans wrote:
Hi Ludwig, team,

I have a couple of issues with the topology plugin.

1. I was able to remove the middle node in a line topology, which
resulted in disconnecting a segment. I had
master - replica1 - replica2 -  replica3 - replica4
I removed replica2 with a standard `ipa-replica-manage del`
And it resulted in the following topology:

[13:13:08]ofayans@vm-086:~]$ ipa topologysegment-find realm
2 segments matched
   Segment name: 086-to-069
   Left node: vm-086.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
   Right node: vm-069.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
   Connectivity: both

   Segment name: 127-to-244
   Left node: vm-127.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
   Right node: vm-244.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
   Connectivity: both
Number of entries returned 2

We should probably prohibit such scenarios.

Should be fixed with patch 878. It's still on review.

2. When I subsequently tried to create a link between the two segments
manually, I bumped into the following error:

[[13:17:02]ofayans@vm-069:~]$ ipa topologysegment-add realm
Left node: vm-069.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
Right node: vm-244.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
Connectivity [both]:
Segment name
ipa: ERROR: invalid 'rightnode': right node is not a topology node:

Petr Vobornik

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