On 1.7.2015 12:35, Martin Basti wrote:
> On 30/06/15 22:09, Petr Spacek wrote:
>> On 30.6.2015 16:04, Martin Basti wrote:
>>> On 30/06/15 10:25, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>> On 29/06/15 15:16, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>> On 25/06/15 13:46, Petr Spacek wrote:
>>>>>> On 17.6.2015 13:37, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>>>> On 17/06/15 13:26, Petr Spacek wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 16.6.2015 15:40, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 05/06/15 12:54, Petr Spacek wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 20.5.2015 18:00, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> This patch allows to disable DNSSEC key master on IPA server, or
>>>>>>>>>>> replace
>>>>>>>>>>> current DNSSEC key master with another IPA server.
>>>>>>>>>>> Only for master branch.
>>>>>>>>>>> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4657
>>>>>>>>>>> Patches attached.
>>>>>>>>>> NACK. This happens on DNSSEC key master:
>>>>>>>>>> $ ipa-dns-install --disable-dnssec-master
>>>>>>>>>> Do you want to disable current DNSSEC key master? [no]: yes
>>>>>>>>>> Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipaserver-install.log for details:
>>>>>>>>>> TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, DNSName found
>>>>>>>>>>        2015-06-05T10:52:35Z DEBUG   File
>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/installutils.py",
>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>> 733, in run_script
>>>>>>>>>>         return_value = main_function()
>>>>>>>>>>       File "/sbin/ipa-dns-install", line 128, in main
>>>>>>>>>> dns_installer.disable_dnssec_master(options.unattended)
>>>>>>>>>>       File 
>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/dns.py",
>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>> 112,
>>>>>>>>>> in disable_dnssec_master
>>>>>>>>>>         ", ".join(dnssec_zones))
>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-05T10:52:35Z DEBUG The ipa-dns-install command failed,
>>>>>>>>>> exception:
>>>>>>>>>> TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, DNSName found
>>>>>>>>> Updated patches attached.
>>>>>>>>> Due new installers, more changes were required.
>>>>>>>> Sorry, NACK, I'm not able to apply this patch set to current master
>>>>>>>> (69607250b9762a6c9b657dd31653b03d54a7b411).
>>>>>>> Rebased patches attached.
>>>>>> NACK.
>>>>>> 0) ipa-dns-install --replace-dnssec-master always puts file into
>>>>>> /root/ipa-kasp.db.
>>>>>> It would be better to put it into local working directory or
>>>>>> /var/lib/ipa (as
>>>>>> with replica files).
>>>>>> 1) I installed DNSSEC key master role on the vm-134 but DNSSEC services
>>>>>> were
>>>>>> not stopped by ipactl stop:
>>>>>> [root@vm-134 review]# ipactl stop
>>>>>> Stopping ipa-otpd Service
>>>>>> Stopping httpd Service
>>>>>> Stopping ipa_memcached Service
>>>>>> Stopping kadmin Service
>>>>>> Stopping krb5kdc Service
>>>>>> Stopping Directory Service
>>>>>> ipa: INFO: The ipactl command was successful
>>>>>> [root@vm-134 review]# ipactl start
>>>>>> Starting Directory Service
>>>>>> Starting krb5kdc Service
>>>>>> Starting kadmin Service
>>>>>> Starting named Service
>>>>>> Starting ipa_memcached Service
>>>>>> Starting httpd Service
>>>>>> Starting ipa-otpd Service
>>>>>> Starting ipa-ods-exporter Service
>>>>>> Starting ods-enforcerd Service
>>>>>> Starting ipa-dnskeysyncd Service
>>>>>> Subsequent ipactl stop worked fine, only the first one is affected.
>>>>>> 2a) vm-134 was the original master. I ran this:
>>>>>> [root@vm-134 review]# ipa-dns-install
>>>>>> --replace-dnssec-master=vm-090.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
>>>>>> ... and then attempted to install master to vm-059:
>>>>>> [root@vm-059 review]# ipa-dns-install --dnssec-master
>>>>>> This command was accepted despite of missing --kasp-db option and wrong
>>>>>> replica name.
>>>>>> It should error out and tell the user to run the command with --kasp-db
>>>>>> option.
>>>>>> Even better, we could get rid of explicit replica name specification in
>>>>>> --replace-dnssec-master option and allow to run installation with
>>>>>> --kasp-db on
>>>>>> any replica as long as the kasp.db file is provided.
>>>>>> 2b) Attempt to move DNSSEC key master from vm-134 to vm-090 *without*
>>>>>> specifying --kasp-db option was accepted.
>>>>>> [root@vm-090 review]# ipa-dns-install --dnssec-master
>>>>>> As in case (2a), it should print what user is supposed to do.
>>>>>> I propose following text:
>>>>>> Current DNSSEC key master <vm-134.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com> is 
>>>>>> being
>>>>>> moved to different server.
>>>>>> You need to copy kasp.db file from 
>>>>>> <vm-134.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com>
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> run following command to complete the transition:
>>>>>> # ipa-dns-install --dnssec-master --kasp-db=/path/to/the/copied/kasp.db
>>>>>> 3) [root@vm-134 review]# ipa-dns-install
>>>>>> --replace-dnssec-master=vm-090.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
>>>>>> does not remove ISMASTER option from file /etc/sysconfig/ipa-dnskeysyncd 
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> 4) [root@vm-134 review]# ipa-dns-install
>>>>>> --replace-dnssec-master=vm-090.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
>>>>>> it is possible to run
>>>>>> [root@vm-134 review]# ipa-dns-install --dnssec-master
>>>>>> again without --kasp-db and it is accepted.
>>>>>> Moreover, in this case ipaConfigString "NEW_DNSSEC_MASTER" is not 
>>>>>> properly
>>>>>> removed from
>>>>>> cn=DNSKeySync,cn=vm-090.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=ipa,dc=example.
>>>>>> 5) Sequence of commands
>>>>>> [root@vm-134 review]# ipa-dns-install
>>>>>> --replace-dnssec-master=vm-090.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
>>>>>> [root@vm-090 review]# ipa-replica-manage del
>>>>>> vm-134.abc.idm.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com
>>>>>> allows me to run
>>>>>> [root@vm-090 review]# ipa-dns-install --dnssec-master
>>>>>> without --kasp-db option, it does not throw an error, and the information
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> some other master existed somewhere is lost.
>>>>>> It would be probably better to replace this and to use some global
>>>>>> attribute
>>>>>> in cn=dns so similar problems do not happen.
>>>>>> 6) The migration itself seems to work, KASP DB seems to work properly,
>>>>>> however
>>>>>> it is necessary to run 'ods-ksmutil zonelist' command *before* all the
>>>>>> daemons
>>>>>> on the new master are (re)started. This needs do be done to re-generate
>>>>>> file
>>>>>> /etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml from the new (copied) DB.
>>>>>> Here please be careful about file permissions.
>>>>>> The command should be ran under 'ods' user to avoid permission 
>>>>>> clobbering.
>>>>>> Thank you for your hard work on this!
>>>>> New patches attached.
>>>>> Major part of the code was changed.
>>>>> Please apply patch 268 first.
>>>> Updated patches attached.
>>>> I just changed the error log to debug log
>>>>                   ipautil.run(cmd, runas=ods_enforcerd.get_user_name())
>>>> -            except CalledProcessError as e:
>>>> -                root_logger.error("%s", e)
>>>> +            except CalledProcessError:
>>>> +                root_logger.debug("OpenDNSSEC database has not been
>>>> updated")
>>>> As this is not error during uninstall.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Martin Basti
>>> Updated patches attached.
>> Cond-NACK. Moving master does not work without additional patching. I'm
>> attaching fix for this + some polish for messages.
>> Please review my amendments, it can be pushed if you are okay with my 
>> changes.
> Thank you, it works. I did 2 small changes
> 1)
> In patch 51 i moved the check to parser, and fixed error message to proper 
> option
> 2)
> in patch 50 I switched:
> if api.env.host not in dnssec_masters and dnssec_masters:
> to
> if dnssec_masters and api.env.host not in dnssec_masters:
> These patches belong to master branch only.
> All patches attached.

Seems reasonable, ACK.

Petr^2 Spacek

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