Hello all,

Let us do final check before FreeIPA 4.2 GA! With One-Way patch set and KRA
final patch pushed, there is just a little bit of work left. From FreeIPA 4.2
milestone tickets, I see:

#4238   [RFE] Provide ability to map CAC identity certificates to users in IdM
#5045   Add support for multiple host/service certificates in webUI
#5046   Add support for user certificates in WebUI

- Waiting on Petr Vobornik's final touch.

#5103   Update 4.2 Requires in the spec file

- This is a must, not every feature owner updated spec file with the lastest
version (like certmonger or sssd for One-Way Trusts). Please double check spec
file and provide the right minimal versions to avoid RPM issues.

#5095   Be able to request certificates without certmonger service running

- WIP by Honza and David. Not a must for GA though, can be postponed to 4.2.1

#5096   cert-request: enforce caacl for subjectAltName principals

- Patch on review

#4768   [RFE] Add option to skip the verify_client_version and proceed at own 

- Honza found a problem with this patch, working a repair right now.

If anyone knows about anything blocking GA, please reply to this thread. I
would like to encourage everyone to at least smoke test their and other
features, so that we capture any last problem before tagging and release.

Finally, I prepared 4.2.0 release notes draft, updates welcome:

I also updated
with regards to postponed Topology feature.

Thanks for help!

Martin Kosek <mko...@redhat.com>
Supervisor, Software Engineering - Identity Management Team
Red Hat Inc.

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