On 08/17/2015 08:33 PM, Martin Basti wrote:

the 'user-stage' command replaces 'stageuser-add --from-delete' command.

Thierry can you check If I don't break everything, it works for me, but the one never knows.

Honza can you please check the framework side? I use self.api.Object.stageuser.add.* in user command, I'm not sure if this is right way, but it works.

Patch attached. I created it in hurry, I'm expecting NACK :D

Just question at the end: should I implement way Active user -> stageuser? IMHO it would be implemented internally by calling 'user-del --preserve' inside 'user-stage'.

Hi Martin,

There is a small failure with VERSION (edewata pushed his patch first ;-) )

   git apply -v /tmp/freeipa-mbasti-0297-Add-user-stage-command.patch
   Checking patch API.txt...
   Checking patch VERSION...
   error: while searching for:
   #                                                      #
   # Last change: ftweedal - add --out option to user-show

   error: patch failed: VERSION:90
   error: VERSION: patch does not apply
   Checking patch ipalib/plugins/stageuser.py...
   Checking patch ipalib/plugins/user.py...

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