On 09/30/2015 10:25 AM, Petr Viktorin wrote:
On 09/23/2015 04:46 PM, Petr Viktorin wrote:
On 09/22/2015 02:59 PM, David Kupka wrote:
On 18/09/15 17:00, Petr Viktorin wrote:
Here are more patches that bring IPA closer to Python 3 compatibility.

Hi Petr,
thanks for another batch of Python 3 compatibility patches.
Unfortunately I hit a lot of pylint errors. Some of them are false
positives for sure. Could you please look at them, mark the false
positive with "pylint: disable=Exxxx" directive and fix the rest?


I'm actually having some trouble running pylint on an f23 machine; have
you seen this error before?

$ ./make-lint
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./make-lint", line 280, in <module>
   File "./make-lint", line 251, in main
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylint/lint.py", line 747, in check
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylint/lint.py", line 869, in
     self.check_astroid_module(ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylint/lint.py", line 924, in
     tokens = utils.tokenize_module(ast_node)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylint/utils.py", line 137, in
     with module.stream() as stream:
AttributeError: 'Module' object has no attribute 'stream'

Anyway, I've ran pylint on f21. Updated patches attached.
ping, could someone take a look at the patches?


I ran xmlrpc tests, DNSSEC ci tests, backup and restore CI test and everything works

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