On 11.11.2015 15:43, Oleg Fayans wrote:
Hi Martin,

On 11/11/2015 03:32 PM, Martin Basti wrote:

On 11.11.2015 09:26, Oleg Fayans wrote:
Hi all,

when running ipa-kra-install on a replica with domain level 0 and with
replica file proivided, I get the following error:

$ ipa-kra-install -U -p <dirman_pass>

Your system may be partly configured.
Run ipa-kra-install --uninstall to clean up.

Too many parameters provided. No replica file is required.
The ipa-kra-install command failed. See
/var/log/ipaserver-kra-install.log for more information


However, when I issue the same command without the replica file, the
installation starts, but fails in the middle, without any reasonable
error message that I do need a replica file:

$ ipa-kra-install -p <dirman_pass> -U

This program will setup Dogtag KRA for the FreeIPA Server.

Configuring KRA server (pki-tomcatd). Estimated time: 2 minutes 6 seconds
  [1/8]: configuring KRA instance
Failed to configure KRA instance: Command ''/usr/sbin/pkispawn' '-s'
'KRA' '-f' '/tmp/tmpPQGCs0'' returned non-zero exit status 1
See the installation logs and the following files/directories for more
  [error] RuntimeError: KRA configuration failed.

Your system may be partly configured.
Run ipa-kra-install --uninstall to clean up.

KRA configuration failed.
The ipa-kra-install command failed. See
/var/log/ipaserver-kra-install.log for more information


Both logs are attached

Just to be sure, do you have KRA installed on master?

Great catch, actually I did not. So is this the reason? Should not we provide a more meaningful error message in this case?

There is right error: "No replica file is required"

However IIRC in this case, ipa-kra-install without replica file should work, so this is the bug.

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