On 12/01/2015 12:58 PM, Oleg Fayans wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am unable to enroll a client with the latest upstream ipa code
> I've successfully installed ipa-server with --setup-dns and --forwarder
> provided. I configured client's resolv.conf to use master's ip as the
> first dns server.
> But when I issued the ipa-client-install command, it fails with the
> following stdout:
> [12:24:28]root@vm-058-116:/home/ofayans]$ ipa-client-install
> Skip ldap.corp.redhat.com: not an IPA server
> Skip ldap01.intranet.prod.int.sin2.redhat.com: not an IPA server
> Skip ldap02.intranet.prod.int.sin2.redhat.com: not an IPA server
> Skip ldap02.intranet.prod.int.ams2.redhat.com: not an IPA server
> Skip ldap01.intranet.prod.int.ams2.redhat.com: not an IPA server
> DNS discovery failed to determine your DNS domain
> Provide the domain name of your IPA server (ex: example.com):
> The packages were built today from the upstream branch.
> [12:28:02]root@vm-058-116:/home/ofayans]$ rpm -qa | grep freeipa
> freeipa-admintools-
> freeipa-server-dns-
> freeipa-python-
> freeipa-server-trust-ad-
> freeipa-server-
> freeipa-debuginfo-
> freeipa-tests-
> freeipa-client-
> Does anybody have any ideas?

I don't think the discovery is broken, I used it successfully today.
Check your DNS setup, in particular, try to resolve server's records
just as ipa-client-install does, to poinpoint the problem.

As a sanity check, at least the _ldap._tcp record should be resolvable
in the domain from the client machine. See
ipa-client/ipaclient/ipadiscovery.py for the full logic.


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