On 4.12.2015 10:53, Petr Viktorin wrote:
On 12/04/2015 08:51 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
On 3.12.2015 15:42, Petr Viktorin wrote:
On 12/03/2015 10:55 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
If we don't care about output somewhere, we should not capture it
at all.

Then people need to remember to put "capture_output=True"
(except that also disables logging of the output, so we'd need an
additional option).

capture_output=True is the default and capture_output=False
should be
set where output is not needed.

"capture_output=True" being the default would mean that it's still
possible to leave "capture_output=False" out, but ignore the
output. It
would make the wrong usage easier to type than the right one,
which is
something to avoid.

I'm not sure I understand what are you trying to say here.

My point is that capture_output=True is currently the default (see for
yourself) and it is indeed possible to leave capture_output=False but
ignore the output. I believe this is wrong and that you should always
have to explicitly request the output to be captured.

OK, looks like I will need to refactor ipautil.run even for Python 2,

If this is just about changing the default and fixing all run()
invocations, I can provide the patch myself, if that would work better
for you.

I seem to have have problems coming up with a solution that would match
your expectations, so let me write the semantics as I understand you'd
like hem:

Would you be happy with the following signature?

def run(args, stdin=None, raiseonerr=True,
           nolog=(), env=None,
           capture_output=False, skip_output=False,
           cwd=None, runas=None, timeout=None, suplementary_groups=[],

Output and error would be always logged, except if skip_output is set.
But they would be only returned if capture_output/capture_stderr were

I would personally also rename capture_output to capture_stdout. If we
change the default, we have to update its every use, so we might as well
rename it. (Again, I can provide the patch.)

If we agree on the semantics, writing the patch isn't that big a deal.


If encode_* is False, bytes are returned, by default
locale.getpreferredencoding() is used. (If the caller wants any other
encoding, it can do that by itself.)

I thought bytes should be the default after all? See my comment in the
previous mail.

If the default is no capturing, I'd rather go with text by default.
With capturing by deafult, "run(args)" could raise encoding errors *if
the output is then ignored*. If it's "run(args, capture_stdout=True)", I
think it's fine to encode.

OK, makes sense.

stdin it encoded using locale.getpreferredencoding() if it's unicode.

If we do encode/decode in run(), I think there should be a way to
override the default encoding. My idea was to either accept/return only
bytes and let the caller handle encoding themselves, or to handle
encoding in run(), but be able to override the defaults.

Given we handle encoding in run(), I would imagine it like this:

      def run(args, stdin=None, raiseonerr=True, nolog=(), env=None,
              capture_stdout=False, skip_output=False, cwd=None,
              runas=None, timeout=None, suplementary_groups=[],
              capture_stderr=False, encode_stdout=False,
              encode_stderr=False, encoding=None):

i.e. nothing is captured by default, when stdout or stderr are captured
they are returned as bytes by default, when stdout or stderr are
returned as text they are decoded using the locale encoding by default,
or the encoding can be explicitly specified.

Do you think this is feasible?

Feasible, yes.
In the majority of cases where the output is needed, we want text
encoded with locale.getpreferredencoding(), so I'd rather make that the
default rather than bytes.

Or we could make "encode_stdout" imply "capture_stdout", so you wouldn't
have to always specify both. (It would be better named "encoded_stdout"
in that case.)

I think it should be OK to decode by default. (IMO it would be best to
reverse the logic and name it "raw_stdout", with False default. Do we
need "raw_stderr" at all? I don't think we do.)

Actually, now that I think about it: if the result was a namedtuple
subclass, we can always set extra raw_stdout/raw_stderr attributes on
it. (Unless skip_output=True, of course.)

    result = run(['generate_binary_data'])

    # and for backcompat,
    rc, _out, _err = result

Good idea.

Perhaps we should use the same names as CalledProcessError for the attributes, i.e. "returncode", "output", and "error_output", "raw_output", "raw_error_output" for the new attributes?

Jan Cholasta

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