On 03/21/2016 01:02 PM, Martin Basti wrote:

On 21.03.2016 12:44, Jan Cholasta wrote:
On 21.3.2016 11:00, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 03/17/2016 04:09 PM, Martin Basti wrote:
Hello all,

I would like to discuss the way how we should improve the speed of
user-find commands (and other commands too if possible):

Do not do extra search for ipasshpubkey. This is clear, patch posted

commands: user, stageuser, host, idview

make --no-members option visible in CLI

There was a discussion around devconf that --no-members should be a
default behavior of xxx-find commands and I'm for it.

+1, although we should be backward compatible with old clients which
expect the attributes to be there.
Ok, I agree to have --no-members as default for *-find commands, but it
doesn't contradict to exposing --no-member option for all commands.

+1, xxx-show  can have --no-members

Reasoning: use case: 'find me all groups which satisfy this filter'.
Showing members clutters the output(one group with >500 member makes it
unusable) and makes things slow(both on server and CLI side).

For xxx-show commands it is a question where I don't have a strong

I think it shouldn't hurt to keep them in -show commands, as there is
always only a single entry to process.

I don't think we should implement also --no-indirect-members, I think
that this kind of granularity is not needed.
If --no-members is used, then indirect members will be ignored too.



commands: all which use members

Limit the amount of searches for memberof[indirect] (group, netgroup,
role, hbacrule, sudorule) and search for each dn only once in find

We can have configurable option in default.conf (for example
memberof_search_limit=100 (0 unlimited)). Find commands will get
only for specified amount and if this limit is exceeded a warning
message is shown.
I do not like this idea much, I think it should be all or nothing, I
prefer to not do this.


I'd also avoid anything special here. But there are sometimes cases when the behavior is not good. E.g. a command fails because something is not able to get members and you actually don't care about the members. Not sure if it is was "fixed"(sizelimit=0). But with new member handling it might not be a big issue.

However I like the idea of temporary caching inside find commands,
each memberof DN is resolved just once and results are cached in a map
and reused in current context of command. This should be improvement
mainly for indirect searches, but cache should be faster for direct
members than doing internal calls of framework objects. This part is
backward compatible, the first part is not.


What parts of the ticket can be solved with deref plugin? I guess we can
get the CNs, but not what is a direct member. Maybe it should be
discussed separately.

Indirect members are already resolved by a single LDAP search. What
kind of additional optimization would you like to do for them?

We can use deref plugin to get pkeys from one search in case that pkeys
are not part of DN. (I have to investigate if it is worth to do for
user-find, I'm not sure if any memberof attributes have pkey that is not
part of DN)

sudo rule, hbac rule

For indirect members, it is one search per entry, but for 1000 users, it
is 1000 searches and I would like to have just one for the particular
indirect member.

are we talking about user-find? If so then it is mostly solved with default --no-member style behavior.

But if a user or a group is directly/indirectly a member of a lot of groups(1000) then it might become slow. But caching won't probably help much, not sure.

commands: user-find, stageuser-find, possibly all find commands

Remove userPassword, krbPrincipalKey from search results
This change is not backward compatible, can we do this?


commands: user-find

I'm for it, would like to hear other opinions.

Note: it should be only in user-find commands. 'show' has to display it.


Petr Vobornik

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