
1) <http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Sub-CAs#Externally_signed_lightweight_CAs>

The "upstream" root certificate and intermediate CA certificates would be stored in LDAP for distribution to clients, with the root CA having an ipaKeyTrust value of trusted and intermediate CAs having a value of unknown (see CA certificate renewal).

Note that currently it's the IPA CA that is trusted by default, not any of the external (root or intermediate) CAs. I think it should stay this way, as we don't need to trust any of the external CAs for IPA to work correctly.

2) <http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Sub-CAs#Sub-CA_plugin>

It should be mentioned here that the primary CA is also handled by this plugin.

I would like to propose two additional fields:

* subject (required) - subject name of the CA, to be able to look up sub-CA that issued a certificate from its issuer name.

* issuer_ca (optional) - name of the sub-CA which issued certificate for this CA, to have information about the sub-CA hierarchy. If there is no sub-CA entry for the issuer, it would be unset.

3) <http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Sub-CAs#Certificate_parameters>

Subject Distinguished Name

When creating a sub-CA, the subject DN is constructed by copying the DN of the parent CA, then setting the CN to the name. More control could be implemented if there is a clear case for it.

Note that adding the ability to override the CN in the subject name of the IPA CA certificate was requested a long time ago: <https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2614>.


The default validity could be the default validity used by ipa-server-install. TODO what is the default duration?

ATM the default duration is 10 years.

Specify the CA certificate validity. Something human-friendly should be used, e.g. a duration spec that supports 5y, 365d, etc. TODO is there a precendent for this sort of duration interpretation in FreeIPA? If so, be consistent.

Currently there is (IIRC) only krbmaxticketlife (seconds) and krbmaxrenewableage (seconds) in the krbtpolicy plugin and krbmaxpwdlife (days) and krbminpwdlife (hours) in the pwpolicy plugin. If you are going to invent something generic, it would be nice if it worked for them as well.

4) <http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Sub-CAs#Key_replication>

For FreeIPA, Dogtag will provide the IPACustodiaKeyRetriever class, which implements the KeyRetriever interface. It invokes a Python script that performs the retrieval, reusing existing FreeIPA Custodia client code.

Will this be distributed with Dogtag or with IPA?

The Python script bit sounds like an implementation detail rather than an actual design. Ideally the whole thing would be done in Java, right?

The Python script shall be installed at /usr/libexec/pki-ipa-retrieve-key and shall be executed as pkiuser.

Could you please use a subdirectory? Like /usr/libexec/pki (if the script is going to be distributed with Dogtag) or /usr/libexec/ipa (if the script is going to be distributed with IPA).

pkiuser does not have read access to either of these locations, so a new service principal shall be created for each Dogtag CA instance for the purpose of authenticating to Custodia and retrieving lightweight CA private keys. Its principal name shall be dogtag-ipa-custodia/<hostname>@REALM. Its keytab and Custodia keys shall be stored with ownership pkiuser:pkiuser and mode 0600 at /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/dogtag-ipa-custodia.keytab and /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/dogtag-ipa-custodia.keys respectively.

Don't forget to update this paragraph with the new principal name.

5) <http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Sub-CAs#Installation>

A CA object for the top-level CA will initially be created, with DN cn=.,ou=cas,cn=ca,$SUFFIX.

I would rather not use punctuation for the short name, as it can be easily overlooked (think logs). (Also it should be '/' if anything, not '.', which usually means "current".)

Above you stated that the subject name will be derived from the short name of the sub-CA. The top-level CA has subject name of the form "CN=Certificate Authority,$SUBJECT_BASE", so its short name should be "Certificate Authority".

6) <http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Sub-CAs#ipa_cert-find_.5Bshortname.5D>

ipa ca-del <shortname>

Delete the given certificate authority. This will remove knowledge of the CA from the FreeIPA directory but will not delete the sub-CA from Dogtag. Dogtag will still know about the CA and the certificates it issued, be able to act at a CRL / OCSP authority for it, etc.

What is the use case for this? Will the certificates issued by the sub-CA still be valid after delete or not? Will the sub-CA certificate be explicitly distrusted on delete or not?

IMO it should be possible to delete only a leaf sub-CA, i.e. anything but the top-level CA in the current design.

ipa cert-find [shortname]

Optional positional parameter to specify a sub-CA to use (omit to specify the top-level CA). The special shortname * is used to search in all CAs.

This should be "ipa cert-find [--ca=<shortname>]". At some point, cert-find should be fixed to be consistent with every other -find command and have an optional 'criteria' positional argument, and there can't be two optional positional arguments, as it creates an ambiguity.

I would prefer a separate argument (e.g. --all-cas, or --cacat=all) rather than a magic value for an all-CA search. Magic value might work for cert-find alone, but you are creating a precedent for the whole framework here.

ipa cert-show [shortname]

Optional positional parameter to specify a sub-CA (omit to specify the top-level CA).
Request the certificate chain (when saving via --out <file>, PEM format is used; this is the format uesd for the end-entity certificate).

This should be "ipa cert-show [--ca=<shortname>]", for consistency with cert-find, see above.

IMO it would make sense to add --chain to cert-request as well, it should be useful for certmonger.

7) <http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Sub-CAs#Certmonger>

How is a certificate going to be requested from a specific sub-CA using the getcert command?


Jan Cholasta

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