Fixed a bug in the previous patch, automated 2 more testcases from

On 06/16/2016 04:46 PM, Oleg Fayans wrote:

Oleg Fayans
Quality Engineer
FreeIPA team
From 2b087b1dc64500d58e72296f287aabd82cbd011c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleg Fayans <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 09:38:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Automated clean-ruv subcommand test
 ipatests/test_integration/ | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ipatests/test_integration/ b/ipatests/test_integration/
index e956563c27eafd84deed5786274a73d0d3594642..7a7bbfa579731410d147791d73a9e07b0fd1b271 100644
--- a/ipatests/test_integration/
+++ b/ipatests/test_integration/
@@ -159,3 +159,51 @@ class TestTopologyOptions(IntegrationTest):
         assert err == "", err
         returncode, error = tasks.destroy_segment(self.master, "%s-to-%s" % replicas)
         assert returncode == 0, error
+@pytest.mark.skipif(config.domain_level == 0, reason=reasoning)
+class TestCASpecificRUVs(IntegrationTest):
+    num_replicas = 2
+    topology = 'star'
+    username = 'testuser'
+    user_firstname = 'test'
+    user_lastname = 'user'
+    def test_ca_specific_ruvs(self):
+        """
+        #Test_case:_.2A-ruv_subcommands_of_ipa-replica-manage_are_extended
+        _to_handle_CA-specific_RUVs
+        """
+        replica = self.replicas[0]
+        master = self.master
+        result1 = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'list-ruv',
+                                      '-p', master.config.dirman_password])
+        assert(result1.stdout_text.count(replica.hostname) == 2 and
+               "Certificate Server Replica Update Vectors" in result1.stdout_text), (
+            "CA-specific RUVs are not displayed")
+        ruvid_re = re.compile(".*%s:389: (\d+).*" % replica.hostname)
+        replica_ruv_ids = ruvid_re.findall(result1.stdout_text)
+        result2 = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'clean-ruv',
+                                      replica_ruv_ids[1], '-p',
+                                      master.config.dirman_password, '-f'])
+        assert(replica.hostname in result2.stdout_text), (
+            "The wrong RUV was deleted")
+        result3 = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'list-ruv',
+                                      '-p', master.config.dirman_password])
+        assert(result3.stdout_text.count(replica.hostname) == 1), (
+            "CA RUV of the replica is still displayed")
+        result4 = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'clean-ruv',
+                                      replica_ruv_ids[0], '-p',
+                                      master.config.dirman_password, '-f'])
+        assert(replica.hostname in result4.stdout_text), (
+            "The wrong RUV was deleted")
+        result5 = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'list-ruv',
+                                      '-p', master.config.dirman_password])
+        assert(replica.hostname not in result5.stdout_text), (
+            "replica's RUV is still displayed")
+        master.run_command(['ipa', 'user-add', self.username,
+                            "--first=%s" % self.user_firstname,
+                            "--last=%s" % self.user_lastname])
+        result6 = replica.run_command(['ipa', 'user-show', self.username],
+                                      raiseonerr=False)
+        assert(result6.returncode > 0), (
+            'Replication still works after all RUVs were deleted')

From 83f7fb2a88bae52fa58ef244ded0aecd2966f91e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oleg Fayans <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 09:40:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Automated ipa-replica-manage del tests

 ipatests/test_integration/ | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ipatests/test_integration/ b/ipatests/test_integration/
index 7a7bbfa579731410d147791d73a9e07b0fd1b271..227ed49b8b1db8f84d27dc2ea5773edbe0a1a1c2 100644
--- a/ipatests/test_integration/
+++ b/ipatests/test_integration/
@@ -207,3 +207,54 @@ class TestCASpecificRUVs(IntegrationTest):
         assert(result6.returncode > 0), (
             'Replication still works after all RUVs were deleted')
+class TestReplicaManageDel(IntegrationTest):
+    domain_level = 0
+    topology = 'star'
+    num_replicas = 2
+    def test_replica_managed_del_domlevel0(self):
+        """
+        Test_Plan#Test_case:_ipa-replica-manage_del_with_turned_off_replica
+        _under_domain_level_0_keeps_ca-related_RUVs
+        """
+        master = self.master
+        replica = self.replicas[0]
+        replica.run_command(['poweroff'])
+        time.sleep(3)
+        master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'del', '-f', '-p',
+                            master.config.dirman_password, replica.hostname])
+        result = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'list-ruv',
+                                     '-p', master.config.dirman_password])
+        num_ruvs = result.stdout_text.count(replica.hostname)
+        assert(num_ruvs == 1), ("Expected to find 1 replica's RUV, found %s" %
+                                num_ruvs)
+        ruvid_re = re.compile(".*%s:389: (\d+).*" % replica.hostname)
+        replica_ruvs = ruvid_re.findall(result.stdout_text)
+        master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'clean-ruv', 'f',
+                            '-p', master.config.dirman_password,
+                            replica_ruvs[0]])
+        result2 = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'list-ruv',
+                                      '-p', master.config.dirman_password])
+        assert(replica.hostname not in result2.stdout_text), (
+            "Replica's RUV was not properly removed")
+    def test_replica_managed_del_domlevel1(self):
+        """
+        Test_Plan#Test_case:_ipa-replica-manage_del_with_turned_off_replica
+        _under_domain_level_1_removes_ca-related_RUVs
+        """
+        master = self.master
+        replica = self.replicas[1]
+        master.run_command(['ipa', 'domainlevel-set', '1'])
+        replica.run_command(['poweroff'])
+        time.sleep(3)
+        master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'del', '-f', '-p',
+                            master.config.dirman_password, replica.hostname])
+        result = master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage', 'list-ruv',
+                                     '-p', master.config.dirman_password])
+        assert(replica.hostname not in result.stdout_text), (
+            "Replica's RUV was not properly removed")

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