Hi Lenka,

The changes in test_trust.py are fine.
As for tasks.py:
1. I'd rename sync_time_hostname to just sync_time and
2. I would start ntpd again in the same method: it's no good to keep
this thing in mind each time you call it.

Besides, I would split the changes into 2 patches: one for tasks.py and
other for test_trust.py

On 06/30/2016 03:47 PM, Lenka Doudova wrote:
> Hi,
> attaching patch with some basic coverage for external trust feature. Bit
> more detailed info in commit message.
> Since the feature requires me to run commands previously used only for
> forest root domains even for subdomains, I made some changes in
> ipatests/test_integration/tasks.py file, so that it would enable me to
> reuse existing function without copy-pasting them for one variable change.
> Lenka

Oleg Fayans
Quality Engineer
FreeIPA team

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