On Fri, Jul 01, 2016 at 08:36:29AM +0200, Stanislav Laznicka wrote:
> On 06/17/2016 08:59 AM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> > The attached patches fix
> > https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5963
> > 
> > Thanks Milan for reporting.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Fraser
> > 
> Tried this patch on 4.4 with domain level set to 0 and it does fix the issue
> for me so ACK for 4.4.
> Not sure if this is going to be backported but if so, both patches will need
> modifications for 4.2 and the latter patch will require modifications for
> 4.3 for them to apply.
Thanks for testing!

It is only needed for 4.4.


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