On 8.7.2016 06:52, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 07, 2016 at 01:16:04PM +0200, Petr Spacek wrote:
>> Hello,
>> IPA 4.4.0 requires Dogtag >= 10.3.4. Is this version going to be built for
>> Fedora any time soon?
>> Or should I update my scripts to automatically enable
>> COPR @freeipa/freeipa-master
>> in my testing VMs?
>> Thanks.
>> Petr^2 Spacek
> Hi Petr,
> The required features were released for Fedora as 10.3.3-3.
> Attached patch retracts the min required version accordingly.


Petr^2 Spacek

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