On 22.09.2016 13:56, Martin Babinsky wrote:
On 09/22/2016 01:41 PM, Martin Basti wrote:
Hello all,

Following test is failing:


self = <ipatests.test_xmlrpc.test_cert_plugin.test_cert_find object at

    def test_0007_find_revocation_reason_0(self):
            Find all certificates with revocation reason 0
        res = api.Command['cert_find'](revocation_reason=0)
      assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
E       assert ('count' in {'count': 4, 'result': ({'cacn': 'ipa',
'issuer': 'CN=Certificate
'revoked': True, 'serial_number': 85, ...}), 'summary': '4 certificates
matched', 'truncated': False} and 4 == 0)

test_xmlrpc/test_cert_plugin.py:302: AssertionError
1 failed, 38 passed in 10.77 seconds

Steps to reproduce:

1. upgrade to pki-ca-10.3.5-6

2. run all xmlrpc_tests (ipa-run-test test_xmlrpc)

3. ipa-run-tests test_xmlrpc/test_cert_plugin.py  will always fail with
error above

The curious thing is that with pki-ca-10.3.5-1, I'm not able to
reproduce this. Probably something was changed on pki-ca side.

[root@vm-058-017 ~]# ipa cert-find --revocation-reason=0
4 certificates matched
  Issuing CA: ipa
  Subject: CN=crud subca test,O=crud testing inc
  Issuer: CN=Certificate
  Serial number: 78
  Serial number (hex): 0x4E
  Status: REVOKED
  Revoked: True

  Issuing CA: ipa
  Subject: CN=crud subca test,O=crud testing inc
  Issuer: CN=Certificate
  Serial number: 79
  Serial number (hex): 0x4F
  Status: REVOKED
  Revoked: True

  Issuing CA: ipa
  Subject: CN=caacl test subca,O=test industries inc.
  Issuer: CN=Certificate
  Serial number: 80
  Serial number (hex): 0x50
  Status: REVOKED
  Revoked: True

  Issuing CA: ipa
  Subject: CN=SMIME CA,O=test industries Inc.
  Issuer: CN=Certificate
  Serial number: 85
  Serial number (hex): 0x55
  Status: REVOKED
  Revoked: True
Number of entries returned 4

My question is, should we update tests, or is it a bug on PKI-CA side??
I actually dont know why certificates are present there, it needs more


Seeing that all the certs are actually intermediary CA certs and seeing the following line:

- PKI TRAC Ticket #1638 - Lightweight CAs: revoke certificate on CA deletion (ftweedal)


in pki-core 10.3.5-6 release notes, I would guess that these are leftover certificates from sub-CA tests which were previously just sitting there but are now marked as revoked with reason 0 - unspecified (as a side note, shouldn't there be different reason, i.e. 5 -cessationOfOperation?).

Seems like we need to fix our tests to cleanup sub-CA certificates as well, should I open a ticket for this?

Yes please, thank you

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