Devin Acosta via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> I am hoping to see if someone can tell me what I either need to change
> or update to get it so that FreeIPA doesn't automatically keep adding
> all new users that is created automatically to the admin group. I
> inherited this installation of FreeIPA and so far haven't been able to
> figure out what either got changed or how to disable this behavior? I am
> running the latest FreeIPA 4.4 on CentOS 7.3.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Probably the default users group. Try:

$ kinit admin
$ ipa config-show |grep 'Default users group'

Can be changed using:

$ ipa config-mod --defaultgroup ipausers

You can probably do this in the UI as well but I'm a CLI guy.

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