pgb 205 via FreeIPA-users writes:

> Here is the log that I sent in yesterday. With server1 and server2
> down, but server3 up.
> kdc=server1
> kdc=server2
> kdc=server3
> kdc_master=server1
> kdc_master=server2
> kdc_master=server3

kdc_master isn't a valid directive for krb5.conf (we call it
master_kdc).  Can you show your entire krb5.conf, including [realms] and
[libdefaults] sections?

> kinit tries server1 and server2 but never even attempts server3
> KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout kinit user(a)test.domain

I assume "(a)" is standing in for '@'?

> [12536] 1501112935.251721: Getting initial credentials for user(a)test.domain 
> [12536] 1501112935.251917: Sending request (181 bytes) to test.domain
> [12536] 1501112935.251956: Resolving hostname server1
> [12536] 1501112935.252875: Sending initial UDP request to dgram server1_ip:88
> [12536] 1501112936.253962: Resolving hostname server2
> [12536] 1501112936.255680: Retrying AS request with master KDC

Alright, so something spooks krb5 here, it looks like.  I need to see
the whole krb5.conf to have a better idea, but:

- is udp_preference_limit set?
- is one of these configured for KKDCP?
- is the DNS for server2 weird in some way?
- same question but for server3?

Can you tell me what the OS/Kerberos versions are for server1, server2,
and server3?  Also the OS/krb5 version/sssd version for the client
you're using.

> [12536] 1501112936.255699: Getting initial credentials for user(a)test.domain
> [12536] 1501112936.255763: Sending request (181 bytes) to test.domain (master)
> [12536] 1501112936.255779: Resolving hostname server1
> [12536] 1501112936.256379: Sending initial UDP request to dgram server1_ip:88
> [12536] 1501112937.257451: Resolving hostname server2
> kinit: Invalid argument while getting initial credentials

Yeah, I suspect getaddrinfo() returns something weird for server2.  If
you can, I'd suggest getting the return values from it; if you're not
comfortable doing that, I can bake you a shim that'll print out that

> kinit with following configuration will work, however.
> kdc=server1
> kdc=server2
> kdc=server3
> kdc_master=server1
> # kdc_master=server2
> kdc_master=server3

See above; as written this isn't different from the configuration above
(krb5 will ignore lines it doesn't recognize).  Assuming you meant
"master_kdc" there: this presumably because is because it never retries
server2 after switching to querying masters, and instead goes on to


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