On 01/11/2018 06:37 PM, lejeczek via FreeIPA-users wrote:

On 11/01/18 17:02, Florence Blanc-Renaud wrote:
On 01/11/2018 05:16 PM, lejeczek via FreeIPA-users wrote:

On 11/01/18 15:02, Rob Crittenden wrote:
lejeczek via FreeIPA-users wrote:

not an python nor ipa expert here, looking at certmonger.py

what does such an error indicate? :

ipa         : DEBUG    certmonger request is in state
dbus.String(u'NEWLY_ADDED_READING_KEYINFO', variant_level=1)
ipa         : DEBUG    certmonger request is in state
dbus.String(u'CA_UNREACHABLE', variant_level=1)
ipa         : DEBUG    Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/service.py",
line 504, in start_creation
     run_step(full_msg, method)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/service.py",
line 494, in run_step
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/dsinstance.py", line
824, in __enable_ssl
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/install/certmonger.py",
line 317, in request_and_wait_for_cert
     raise RuntimeError("Certificate issuance failed ({})".format(state))
RuntimeError: Certificate issuance failed (CA_UNREACHABLE)

ipa         : DEBUG      [error] RuntimeError: Certificate issuance
   [error] RuntimeError: Certificate issuance failed (CA_UNREACHABLE)
-- end
Is this about local replica candidate or remote ipa server?
getcert list may provide the host it was trying to contact.

When replica candidate installation fails I get the above on that candidate.
When after a failure, on that would-be replica I do:

$ getcert list
Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 1.
Request ID '20180111154743':
     status: CA_UNREACHABLE
     ca-error: Server at

It points at itself, own FQDN.

Should I be rather watching server's end?
How to troubleshoot it?

FreeIPA-users mailing list -- freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
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thanks Flo, I tried my best to follow clues you gave and find some more, I replied in that other topic CA_UNREACHABLE.

certmonger tries first to connect to the IPA server defined /etc/ipa/default.conf, but if this one fails then it will try to locate another IPA master (see the man page for ipa-submit(8), especially the section about -h option).

During a replica installation, certmonger will send a cert_request call to the IPA master. You should be able to find a trace in /var/log/httpd/error_log on the master, with a line containing the string cert_request and the call parameters.

in httpd/error_log I see:

[Thu Jan 11 17:20:53.475973 2018] [:error] [pid 2701892] ipa: INFO: [jsonserver_kerb] host/dzien.priv.
xx.xx.priv.xx.x...@private.xx.xx.private.xx.xx.x: ping(): SUCCESS
[Thu Jan 11 17:20:53.527232 2018] [:error] [pid 2701893] ipa: INFO: [jsonserver_kerb] host/dzien.priv. xx.xx.priv.xx.x...@private.xx.xx.private.xx.xx.x: env((u'version',)): SUCCESS [Thu Jan 11 17:20:53.573580 2018] [:error] [pid 2701892] ipa: INFO: [jsonserver_kerb] host/dzien.priv. xx.xx.priv.xx.x...@private.xx.xx.private.xx.xx.x: env((u'fips_mode',)): SUCCESS [Thu Jan 11 17:21:04.406246 2018] [:error] [pid 2701893] ipa: INFO: [jsonserver_kerb] ad...@private.xx.
xx.PRIVATE.xx.xx.x: ping(): SUCCESS
[Thu Jan 11 17:21:04.444042 2018] [:error] [pid 2701892] ipa: INFO: [jsonserver_kerb] ad...@private.xx.
xx.PRIVATE.xx.xx.x: ping/1(version=u'2.228'): SUCCESS
[Thu Jan 11 17:21:04.900349 2018] [:error] [pid 2701893] ipa: INFO: [jsonserver_kerb] ad...@private.xx. xx.PRIVATE.xx.xx.x: server_conncheck(u'swir.priv.xx.xx.priv.xx.xx.x', u'dzien.priv.xx.
xx.priv.xx.xx.x', version=u'2.162'): SUCCESS
[Thu Jan 11 17:21:40.832678 2018] [auth_gssapi:error] [pid 2702831] [client] NO AUTH DATA  Client did not send any authentication headers, referer: https://swir.priv.xx.xx.priv.xx.xx.x
[Thu Jan 11 17:21:40.913393 2018] [:error] [pid 2701892] ipa: INFO: [xmlserver] host/dzien.priv.xx.xx.priv.xx.x...@private.xx.xx.private.xx.xx.x: cert_request(u'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', profile_id=u'caIPAserviceCert', principal=u'ldap/dzien.priv.xx.xx.priv.xx.x...@private.xx.xx.private.xx.xx.x', add=True, version=u'2.51'): NetworkError

To have more information, you can start the master in debug mode:
- edit (or create if it does not exist) /etc/ipa/server.conf and add the following:
debug = True
- restart httpd with
$ systemctl restart httpd

If the replica installation triggers this type of log in /var/log/httpd/error_log:

[...date...] [:error] [pid 9337] ipa: INFO: [xmlserver] host/vm-replica.ipadomain....@ipadomain.com: cert_request(u'MII...MJUs6', profile_id=u'caIPAserviceCert', principal=u'ldap/replica.ipadomain....@ipadomain.com', add=True, version=u'2.51'): NetworkError [...date...] [:error] [pid 9337] ipa: DEBUG: response: NetworkError: cannot connect to 'https://master.ipadomain.com:443/ca/rest/account/login': [Errno 13] Permission denied

then the problem you are seeing is probably BZ 14852017 [RFE] If the umask is too restrictive the installation won't work [1]

Did you install the master with a umask different from 022? In this case, some configuration files are probably not accessible by non-root user, and the httpd server - running as apache - cannot read files needed to establish the secure connection to dogtag.

You can try to change the permissions for /etc/ipa/ca.crt and /var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.{key|pem} on the master:
$ chmod 444 /etc/ipa/ca.crt
$ chmod 440 /var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.*

and re-try the replica installation.


[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1485217

dzien is a replica candidate, swir is the server.
Before I'll go after other logs, does this one above is more revealing?
Pokes eyes is that last line "NetworkError" - but does it actually say?

many thanks, L.

In turn, IPA master contacts Dogtag in order to generate the certificate for the replica. The logs are in /var/log/pki/pi-tomcat/ca/debug.

Can you see any cert_request log in the master? If not, then certmonger (from the would-be replica) was not able to contact the master. In this case I would check the output of:
$ dig -t srv _ldap._tcp.<ipa domain>

to make sure which servers certmonger tried to contact.


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To unsubscribe send an email to freeipa-users-le...@lists.fedorahosted.org

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