My apologies.
V4/Tool to Check Status of All Replicas - FreeIPA

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V4/Tool to Check Status of All Replicas - FreeIPA
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    On Monday, March 5, 2018 10:28 AM, Alexander Bokovoy via FreeIPA-users 
<> wrote:

 On ma, 05 maalis 2018, Andrew Meyer via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>When reading about monitoring replication I see that I can get this
>setup using --setup-snmp, however on CentOS 7.x (latest) I don't have
>that option.  Is it not in 4.5.0?
Can you point to your sources? It is quite hard to understand what are
you reading and what are you looking for. Below is my take on your
questions, tell me if I'm completely off the bases with my

Are you reading 389-ds documentation and talking about IPA replica
setup? IPA replicas don't set up all plugins you could potentially
enable in 389-ds. If you need something more, like SNMP support in
389-ds, you should consult 389-ds (RHDS) documentation and in general
"know what you are doing".

/ Alexander Bokovoy
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