On Mon, 2018-04-23 at 17:25 +0100, lejeczek via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> and that hypothetical situation where it all works in LXC - 
> still poses a question - what kind of an impact would the 
> fact that it's an LXC have on dependencies chain, in terms 
> of system's various services, systemd?
> How early @boot time one could have an LXC up & running? And 
> if it uses libvirtd?
> ... probably more questions.

I have pondered the same kinds of questions while considering running
freeipa in either a VM or a docker container.

Having messed with systemd units quite a bit lately in trying to get
the ordering of freeipa's units quite right, I suspect one could write
a "wait for ... to be up" kind of systemd unit that sits in a loop
testing for needed services to be running and while doing so blocks
other units that are depending on the services in the container to be

From my experience, the only service that I found critical to needing
to be up before lots of other stuff was the name server.


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