Per Qvindesland via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> Hi Alexander 
> Here is the object we are trying to change the password with:
> dn:
> <>,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=jisc,dc=ac,dc=uk
> changetype: add
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: person
> objectClass: organizationalPerson
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> objectClass: inetuser
> objectClass: posixaccount
> objectClass: krbprincipalaux
> objectClass: krbticketpolicyaux
> objectClass: krbPrincipalName
> objectClass: ipaobject
> objectClass: ipasshuser
> objectClass: ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys
> objectClass: mepOriginEntry
> objectClass: eduPerson
> uid: <>
> givenName: NULL
> sn: NULL
> cn: wnQ6gpxNEbYDP4e0xSi42QvNLR4=
> displayName: displayName not set
> ou: Local
> eduPersonAffiliation: affiliate
> mail: <>
> userPassword: e1NIQX1rYjBwdk45WkpLVGpmMHdiMGJqYm5LSk10Vnk7
> loginshell: /bin/sh
> homedirectory: /home/ <mailto:home/>
> gidnumber: 1092000014
> uidnumber: 1092000014

You added krbPrincipalName as an objectclass. That doesn't exist and I'm
at a loss to how you were able to add it at all.

You need to add:

krbPrincipalname: tester@REALM

and drop the bogus objectclass.

> Is there anything you can suggest?
> Regards
> Per
>> On 11 May 2018, at 10:31, Alexander Bokovoy via FreeIPA-users
>> <
>> <>> wrote:
>> On pe, 11 touko 2018, Per Qvindesland via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> We’re getting the following entries in the error logs
>>> [10/May/2018:15:37:18.628665013 +0100] - ERR -
>>> ipapwd_encrypt_encode_key - [file encoding.c, line 143]: no
>>> krbPrincipalName present in this entry
>>> [10/May/2018:15:37:18.630473873 +0100] - ERR - ipapwd_gen_hashes -
>>> [file encoding.c, line 234]: key encryption/encoding failed
>>> Is this related to the failed binds? is there any ways of turning on
>>> debug logging
>> You have or are trying to add an object in LDAP that is not a Kerberos
>> principal, yet somehow
>> object classes imply it should be a Kerberos principal.
>> You'd need to show the object or explain what are you doing.
>>> The connection string is  $ds = ldap_connect($hostport, $port); then
>>> we are setting some connection options: ldap_set_option($ds,
>>>   ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); Then binding using
>>> admin credential:$result = ldap_bind($ds, $rdn, $pass)
>>> We can connect to freeipa but we are suspecting that we might be
>>> using the wrong encryption  {SHA} in plain text then results in err
>>> 19 which results in operations error.
>> No, this is not about connection to ldap but rather adding an LDAP
>> object or attempting to modify a password on existing object.
>> -- 
>> / Alexander Bokovoy
>> Sr. Principal Software Engineer
>> Security / Identity Management Engineering
>> Red Hat Limited, Finland
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