
I'm new to FreeIPA, I inherited a FreeIPA infrastructure, and I'm trying to have a Nagios check for the replication status (without indicating a password). I found this article: <https://danieljamesscott.org/11-articles/application-guides/26-freeipa-replication-monitoring.html>. It's exactly what I want to do

but, when I try to do the ldapmodify thing with grant_anonymous_replication_view.ldif (only changing cn="dc=example,dc=com" according to my installation), I get:

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W -f grant_anonymous_replication_view.ldif -h ipa.mydomain.com.ar
Enter LDAP Password:

and it doesn't accept admin or directory manager password (?)

do I have to make other changes to the ldif?

or, what is the password I need?

or, is it another way of making this test without indicating passwords in plaintext?

thanks in advance,
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