>> I'm working with the ipa web services to provision users across a one
>> way trust with IPA.  I have looked at the id_view_* services and am
>> trying to wrap my head around a few details:
>> 1.  When I ssh into a linux box thats a member of the IPA domain with
>> my AD user IPA creates an object in LDAP and assigns a gid and uid to
>> it, but when i create the user in the ID View under the Default Trust
>> View the information from the object isn't there, BUT when I set the
>> shell it gets written to the directory object when I update the shell
>> attribute.  Shouldn't the user's gid/uid be visible there as part of
>> the view?
> IPA does not create any specific object in LDAP when you are ssh-ing
> into a Linux box. That simply does not happen and never was.
> Can you demonstrate what you are talking about with a concrete example
> using 'ipa idoverrideuser-*' commands?

IPA Domain - rhelent.lan
AD Domain - ent2k12.domain.com

One way trust with rhelent.lan trusting ent2k12.domain.com

1.  Create a user in AD - t...@ent2k12.domain.com
2.  Search IPA's 389 for (uid=t...@ent2k12.domain.com), no results
3.  Login to server in rhelent.lan
4.  sudo su - t...@ent2k12.domain.com
5.  id - uid=160812321(t...@ent2k12.domain.com)
6.  Search IPA's 389 for (uid=t...@ent2k12.domain.com), found at
uid=t...@ent2k12.domain.com,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=rhelent,dc=lan, no
shell attribute
7.  login to the ipa web interface - Create a user override for
uid=t...@ent2k12.domain.com and a shell of /bin/bash
8.  Search IPA's 389 for (uid=t...@ent2k12.domain.com), found at
uid=t...@ent2k12.domain.com,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=rhelent,dc=lan, no
shell attribute
9.  sudo su - t...@ent2k12.domain.com - now my default shell is bash

I thought i would see a shell attribute after #8 but thats not the
case.  Where is the override stored?

>> 2.  When I add a user from AD to an external group should I specify
>> the userPrincipalName as the external member?
> You should specify something that SSSD will be able to resolve to an AD
> user. It could be username@domain or NetBIOS\username or anything else
> that SSSD could resolve.

OK, that makes sense

>> 3.  Is there a way to get IPA to trigger the creation of the ldap
>> object that represents the AD user via a web service instead of
>> logging in or sudoing over to that user?
> No. And both sudoing or logging in into the host does not create the
> LDAP object as well. You as administrator should create those entries.

This doesn't seem to linueup with the steps produced above, what am I missing?

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