Fredrik Arneving via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tried to setup my freeIPA server on a freshly installed CentOS8 as a 
> sub_CA of my existing PKI with private root-CA. My signing-CA has a match 
> policy for (C)ountry and (O)rganizationName.
> When trying to sign the CSR generated from freeIPA with command below it 
> fails on a string encryption mismatch.
> The string encryption on my organizationName, as well as my server DN is in 
> PRINTABLESTRING encoding but my openssl generated signing cert needs it to be 
> I was under the impression UTF8STRING is default for freeIPA CSR's. What do I 
> miss and how can I force it to be UTF8STRING?
> CSR was generated with command:
> ipa-server-install -r MYREALM.AS.UPPERCASE.DNSDOMAIN \
> --external-ca  \
> --ca-subject CN=ipa-server-fqdn,C=SE,O=MyOrganizationName  \
> --ca-base C=SE,O=MyOrganizationName
> Installation is successful and I'm supposed to sign the CSR and finalize 
> ipa-install with second step. However, the signing fails because 
> MyOranizationName != MyOrganizationName due to different encodings.
> When looking at the CSR with "openssl req -noout -text -in ipa.csr" 
> everything looks OK but when using "openssl asn1parse -in ipa.csr" it shows 
> the mismatch of the organizationName PRINTABLESTRING compared to my 
> successfully signed CSR's UTF8STRING.
> Any ideas?
> kernel version: 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64
> ipa-server: ipa-server-4.8.0-13.module_el8.1.0+265+e1e65be4.x86_64
> openssl: openssl-1.1.1c-2.el8.x86_64

Does help?

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