
I am trying to get a kerberos realm to trust the ipa realm. I'm running 
ipa-server-4.6.6-11.el7 on a CentOS 7. It uses realm IPA.EXAMPLE.COM.

I have another KDC on another CentOS 7 which has another realm KRB.EXAMPLE.COM 
with a legacy service connected.

Now I would like all users of my IPA realm to use that legacy service. Thus I 
need the KRB realm to trust the IPA realm. I don't need the IPA realm to trust 
the KRB realm.

For the KRB KDC I have no problem adding the necessary 
krbtgt/krb.example....@ipa.example.com principal with a password.

However, everything I find about adding it to the IPA Kerberos involves 
kadmin.local which seems not to be supported anymore:

kadmin.local: Cannot open DB2 database '/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/principal': No 
such file or directory while initializing kadmin.local interface

How do I add this principal correctly to my IPA kerberos? Is it possible?

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