Aha ! I was missing the Default Trust View work -- much appreciated!


David Sastre <mailto:d.sastre.med...@gmail.com>
October 12, 2020 at 2:10 PM
Does this help?


Chris Dagdigian <mailto:d...@sonsorol.org>
October 12, 2020 at 1:59 PM
Hi folks,

I've got a three-node replicating FreeIPA cluster running in AWS with a one-way trust to an Active Directory domain.

Things work well with respect to user overrides and RBAC rules affecting client machines but I can't for the life of me figure out the order of operations for allowing a couple of external AD users to have admin access to the FreeIPA webUI itself.

There are 3 AD users I'd like to give WebUI admin access to.

So far I've tried the standard stuff I've used for non-IPA clients:

1) make group "corp_admins_external" populated with external "usern...@domain.com" identities 2) Make group "corp_admins_posix" populated with the corp_admins_external group
3) Added corp_admins_posix group to the admin group

Best I've been able to do so far is give myself login access to just the user self-service page and even then that failed until oddjob-mkhomedir() was running and enabled under authconfig

Is there a guide or a documentation set specific to granting admin access to the webUI for forms-based login users?



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