On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, at 5:45 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> So you've run ipa-replica-prepare <host> and then ship that file to
> <host> right?


> At some point we started re-generating the CA certs file
> (/root/cacert.p12) during preparation. Did we do this in F21? I have no
> idea.
> Can you use pk12util to look at the contents of that file? The password
> is the initial DM password. Look for expirations, things like that.
> # pk12util -l /root/cacert.p12

All the "Not After" dates were in 2022 or 2034, and the "Not Before" dates were 
all before 2020. So I that all seems fine.

> You can generate a new one but it requires putting passwords into files
> temporarily.
> If you need to generate a new one make a backup of the current, put the
> passwords in files per below and run this:
> # PKCS12Export -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/ -p /tmp/nssdbpwd -w
> /tmp/pk12pwd -o /root/cacert.p12
> The NSS db password is in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/password.conf the value
> internal.
> Otherwise I'm not sure what would generate the socket error except a
> real network issue. Can you run wireshark on the new server during the
> install to see what is happening?

I could, but these two systems are both VM guests on the same VMware server, on 
the same virtual subnet. But I will take a deep dive today into the network and 
see if I can find anything there.

> rob
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