Hi Rob

The SAN would also work really well since we are only using subdomains and 
hardly ever a new domain.

I tried the following:
ipa-getcert resubmit -D HTTP/sub2.example.com -i 20210910082436

But when I check ipa-getcert lis it says:
        ca-error: Server at https://ipaserver.example.com/ipa/json denied our 
request, giving up: 3009 (invalid 'csr': hostname in subject of request 
'sub1.example.com' does not match name or aliases of principal 

I have added ipa service-add HTTP/sub2.example.com before running the command 
and a A record is in the DNS for sub2.example.com

I am pretty sure that i am not understanding something or missing a step but 
what am I missing?



On 9 September 2021 at 19:49, Rob Crittenden <rcrit...@redhat.com> wrote:

Per Qvindesland via FreeIPA-users wrote:


I am using the IPA server as the CA for our Apache SSL's, but I am
wondering if it's possible to have  a second SSL that's not the same as
the hostname, meaning I have already sub1.mydomain.com but I would like
to add also sub2.mydomain.com for another site, is this possible?

I have tried adding the hostname so ipa host-add sub2.mydomain.com
then ipa service-add HTTP/sub2.mydomain.com, but when I do:
ipa-getcert request -K HTTP/sub2.mydomain.com -k
/ssl/sub2.mydomaincom.key -f /ssl/sub2.mydomain.com.csr
-N sub2.mydomain.com then ipa-getcert list says it fails with:
ca-error: Server at https://ipaserver.mydomain.com/ipa/json denied our
request, giving up: 2100 (Insufficient access: Insufficient 'write'
privilege to the 'userCertificate' attribute of entry

How can I resolve this? 

certmonger (ipa-getcert) uses the credentials in /etc/krb5.conf on the
machine to authentication. By default it can only request certificates
for its own hostname.

You can use ipa service-add-host to add the host to the new service name.

Additionally, do you need a completely separate certificate or do you
want to add a SAN to the existing one? To do that you'd run:

ipa-getcert resubmit -D HTTP/your_new_hostname -i <id_of_request>


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