
what is the full output of *ipa-cert-fix -v* (verbose)? The command
internally calls "*pki-server cert-fix*", and you will be able to find the
exact arguments list provided in the logs. Retry the same "pki-server
cert-fix" command with -v option and we will get more information about
what is going wrong.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 2:29 PM Marc Boorshtein <
marc.boorsht...@tremolosecurity.com> wrote:

>> It seems that 2 different repair procedures were mixed: go back in time
>> and use ipa-cert-fix. With ipa-cert-fix you don't need to change the
>> current time. In order to fix the issue, we need to have the full picture:
>> - what is the full output of getcert list (please include the "current"
>> date on the system for us to know which certs are considered still valid)
>> - which node is the renewal master (ipa config-show | grep "IPA CA
>> renewal master")
> Yes, I had to turn back the clock because the directory server wouldn't
> start causing ipa-cert-fix to not work.  Here's the fulloutput:
> [root@freeipa ~]# getcert list
> Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 9.
> Request ID '20180504194716':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.key'
> certificate: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt'
> CA: SelfSign
> issuer: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2022-02-11 18:03:36 UTC
> principal name: krbtgt/rhelent....@rhelent.lan
> certificate template/profile: KDCs_PKINIT_Certs
> pre-save command:
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_kdc_cert
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131816':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='auditSigningCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='auditSigningCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=CA Audit,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2023-05-01 18:06:01 UTC
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131818':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='ocspSigningCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='ocspSigningCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=OCSP Subsystem,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2023-05-01 18:04:04 UTC
> eku: id-kp-OCSPSigning
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131820':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='subsystemCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='subsystemCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=CA Subsystem,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2023-05-01 18:04:11 UTC
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "subsystemCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131821':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='caSigningCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='caSigningCert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2035-09-03 19:24:04 UTC
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyCertSign,cRLSign
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "caSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131823':
> status: NEED_TO_SUBMIT
> ca-error: Error 7 connecting to
> http://freeipa.rhelent.lan:8080/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect
> to server.
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.key'
> certificate: type=FILE,location='/var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.pem'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2021-06-08 16:52:45 UTC
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ra_cert_pre
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ra_cert
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131824':
> status: NEED_TO_SUBMIT
> ca-error: Error 7 connecting to
> http://freeipa.rhelent.lan:8080/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit: Couldn't connect
> to server.
> stuck: no
> key pair storage:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='Server-Cert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='Server-Cert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2021-06-08 16:53:15 UTC
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert "Server-Cert
> cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131827':
> status: NEED_TO_SUBMIT
> ca-error: Server at https://freeipa.rhelent.lan/ipa/xml failed request,
> will retry: -504 (libcurl failed to execute the HTTP POST transaction,
> explaining:  Peer's Certificate has expired.).
> stuck: no
> key pair storage:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-RHELENT-LAN',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-RHELENT-LAN/pwdfile.txt'
> certificate:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-RHELENT-LAN',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> Certificate DB'
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2021-07-11 16:52:10 UTC
> principal name: ldap/freeipa.rhelent....@rhelent.lan
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> pre-save command:
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/restart_dirsrv RHELENT-LAN
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20210601131835':
> status: NEED_TO_SUBMIT
> ca-error: Server at https://freeipa.rhelent.lan/ipa/xml failed request,
> will retry: -504 (libcurl failed to execute the HTTP POST transaction,
> explaining:  Peer's Certificate has expired.).
> stuck: no
> key pair storage:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt'
> certificate:
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> Certificate DB'
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=RHELENT.LAN
> subject: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
> expires: 2021-07-12 16:52:09 UTC
> principal name: HTTP/freeipa.rhelent....@rhelent.lan
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> pre-save command:
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/restart_httpd
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> There's only one node
>> The request ID for "Server-Cert cert-pki-ca" (as displayed by getcert
>> list) is 20210601131824, meaning that the corresponding request file can be
>> found with
>> # grep -l "id=20210601131824" /var/lib/certmonger/requests/*
> Ah, found it.  It was in a different file then I expected.  Thank you.  I
> moved that CSR into /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg but still no luck (with
> the current date):
> # ipa-cert-fix
>                           WARNING
> ipa-cert-fix is intended for recovery when expired certificates
> prevent the normal operation of IPA.  It should ONLY be used
> in such scenarios, and backup of the system, especially certificates
> The following certificates will be renewed:
> Dogtag sslserver certificate:
>   Subject: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
>   Serial:  23
>   Expires: 2021-06-08 16:53:15
> IPA IPA RA certificate:
>   Serial:  21
>   Expires: 2021-06-08 16:52:45
> IPA Apache HTTPS certificate:
>   Subject: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
>   Serial:  26
>   Expires: 2021-07-12 16:52:09
> IPA LDAP certificate:
>   Subject: CN=freeipa.rhelent.lan,O=RHELENT.LAN
>   Serial:  25
>   Expires: 2021-07-11 16:52:10
> Enter "yes" to proceed: yes
> Proceeding.
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/certs/sslserver.crt'
> The ipa-cert-fix command failed.
> Thanks
> Marc
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