
thanks for pointing that out.
Issue resolved!

For google:
  1. Look at /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-pki-proxy.conf for secret.
  2. Fix /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/server.xml, 4 occurance of those secrets.
  3. Restart tomcat services
  4. Profit.


On 28/01/2022 14:21, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Christian Reiss via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hey folks,

happyily using FreeIPA in my personal hobbyist space across 50vms and 8
hosts. It worked like a charm. Ever since a few days ago I am unable to
delete hosts, disabling/ enabling users for example works, but not
deleting hosts. I am using AlmaLinux 8 with vendor-supplied FreeIPA

I duckduckgo'd around the net, tried to solve the issue myself. But no
errors our there helped me debug. I think I found the issue with
ipa-healthcheck, but I am unsure on how to fix. This is the output:

Start with this thread,


---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----

Internal server error 403 Client Error: 403 for url:
Directory Server CA certificate not found, assuming 3rd party
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
ra.get_certificate(): Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)
     "source": "pki.server.healthcheck.meta.csconfig",
     "check": "CADogtagCertsConfigCheck",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "c76c5f53-1869-4cd5-95e3-dd7f3e0b7e0c",
     "when": "20220128091051Z",
     "duration": "0.361963",
     "kw": {
       "key": "ca_signing",
       "nickname": "caSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
       "directive": "ca.signing.cert",
       "configfile": "/var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg",
       "msg": "Certificate 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca' does not match the
value of ca.signing.cert in /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.dogtag.ca",
     "check": "DogtagCertsConnectivityCheck",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "e98075a4-5d85-4ccf-a97e-b202fcc92789",
     "when": "20220128091054Z",
     "duration": "0.566005",
     "kw": {
       "msg": "Request for certificate failed, Certificate operation
cannot be completed: Request failed with status 403: Non-2xx response
from CA REST API: 403.  (403)"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ds.replication",
     "check": "ReplicationCheck",
     "result": "WARNING",
     "uuid": "d9dcf871-1a5d-47a6-8d2e-bcf4f61f09d1",
     "when": "20220128091056Z",
     "duration": "0.788714",
     "kw": {
       "key": "DSREPLLE0002",
       "items": [
         "Conflict Entries"
       "msg": "There were 4 conflict entries found under the replication
suffix \"dc=alpha-labs,dc=net\"."
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPADogtagCertsMatchCheck",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "1c96ee54-e8ca-4045-9bfc-294c261e4ab8",
     "when": "20220128091101Z",
     "duration": "0.198242",
     "kw": {
       "key": "caSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
       "nickname": "caSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
       "dbdir": "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias",
       "msg": "{nickname} certificate in NSS DB {dbdir} does not match
entry in LDAP"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "17140733-ba3f-4d34-a48c-3b1e159b3488",
     "when": "20220128091105Z",
     "duration": "0.731259",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073945",
       "serial": 1073676292,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "9833fce2-5f98-480b-9a69-d2d41db21ef0",
     "when": "20220128091105Z",
     "duration": "0.888676",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073937",
       "serial": 1073676293,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "c3f1b686-a74b-42d6-8b55-b6fe36671933",
     "when": "20220128091105Z",
     "duration": "1.065141",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073940",
       "serial": 1073676291,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "f6073d14-b9eb-466b-ab29-6151c857d387",
     "when": "20220128091105Z",
     "duration": "1.226933",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073942",
       "serial": 1073676290,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "a465aaca-67b8-419e-8a38-a16c227d5db1",
     "when": "20220128091105Z",
     "duration": "1.394251",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073943",
       "serial": 20,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "33de05f4-1e8b-4d26-94ec-e742f4b7b8dc",
     "when": "20220128091106Z",
     "duration": "1.569087",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073944",
       "serial": 268238852,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "d723658c-74ab-41a4-a3e0-5b643a70e15d",
     "when": "20220128091106Z",
     "duration": "1.676748",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073949",
       "serial": 1073676289,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "5d67c6e0-785e-456c-9ae3-b2199c5d2051",
     "when": "20220128091106Z",
     "duration": "1.855003",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20201208073947",
       "serial": 268238849,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
     "check": "IPACertRevocation",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "9c0441dc-2f20-41b0-816e-7690fca47448",
     "when": "20220128091106Z",
     "duration": "1.945158",
     "kw": {
       "key": "20200406205351",
       "serial": 268238851,
       "error": "Certificate operation cannot be completed: Request
failed with status 403: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 403.  (403)",
       "msg": "Request for certificate serial number {serial} in request
{key} failed: {error}"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.dna",
     "check": "IPADNARangeCheck",
     "result": "WARNING",
     "uuid": "480e0baf-8814-47d5-bb71-e8d780867107",
     "when": "20220128091107Z",
     "duration": "0.687667",
     "kw": {
       "range_start": 0,
       "range_max": 0,
       "next_start": 0,
       "next_max": 0,
       "msg": "No DNA range defined. If no masters define a range then
users and groups cannot be created."
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.idns",
     "check": "IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck",
     "result": "WARNING",
     "uuid": "37d1c6ed-982c-4046-b6b3-4c47ef6ed249",
     "when": "20220128091107Z",
     "duration": "0.779401",
     "kw": {
       "msg": "Got {count} ipa-ca A records, expected {expected}",
       "count": 2,
       "expected": 3
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.files",
     "check": "IPAFileCheck",
     "result": "ERROR",
     "uuid": "a7a5039b-7e4d-4501-ac39-f6b1d2080107",
     "when": "20220128091108Z",
     "duration": "0.006982",
     "kw": {
       "key": "_etc_hosts_mode",
       "path": "/etc/hosts",
       "type": "mode",
       "expected": "0644",
       "got": "0444",
       "msg": "Permissions of /etc/hosts are too restrictive: 0444 and
should be 0644"
     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.files",
     "check": "IPAFileCheck",
     "result": "WARNING",
     "uuid": "71556f6a-b914-41a5-8f88-932b37edcf35",
     "when": "20220128091108Z",
     "duration": "0.007897",
     "kw": {
       "key": "_var_log_kadmind.log_mode",
       "path": "/var/log/kadmind.log",
       "type": "mode",
       "expected": "0600",
       "got": "0640",
       "msg": "Permissions of /var/log/kadmind.log are too permissive:
0640 and should be 0600"

---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----   ---- 8< ----

Any help is sooo greatly appreciated!

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with kind regards,
mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Christian Reiss

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