On to, 03 helmi 2022, Pedro Bezunartea Lopez via FreeIPA-users wrote:


This is our currently working setup:
- AD Domain: ourdomain.local (working fine for Windows users' authentication, 
Domain Controllers, etc...)
- IPA Domain: idm.ourdomain.local (Trust relation successfully setup with the 
Domain Controllers)
- AD users can login to the IPA Server with their AD credentials.

Goal: Allow AD users to add and manage their own certificates for
different services (VPN access and the like). The workflow would be
something like:

1. Users adds a new CSR. (The user creates his key and generates the CSR 
2. IPA admins approve and issue the certificate.
3. The user downloads the certificate.

"Local" IPA users can add certificate requests in their profile by
clicking on Actions > New Certificate.

AD users are only allowed to edit their profile description, GECOS,
Login shell, add SSH public keys and add Certificates in PEM format,
not add Certificate Requests.

Correct. AD users on IPA side represented as ID overrides in a 'Default
Trust View' ID View. They are not users.

When IPA CA processes certificate signing request, it is done through
IPA server facade that does a number of checks to validate the requester
and its rights to request and issue a certificate using defined profile.
This code does not have support to process ID overrides as requesters.

We probably can add this support as there is nothing fundamentally
broken in doing so. The only problem is what SANs could be allowed for
issuance. Of a particular 'no go' is the Kerberos principal -- since
these are AD users, they cannot be used by IPA KDC as local principals,
so their certificates should not have principals from local IPA realm.
There might be other SAN types that is worth preventing. Also, CN would
probably be somewhat mangled in this case and not exactly correspond to
ID override's DN.

This all is worth to file as a ticket with detailed use cases and
proposals of a workflow and limitations, as well as security analysis.

We have tried a few things already:
- Certificate Mappings. They are designed for user authentication to
idm.ourdomain.local, no go.

Well, certificate mappings can also be used to map a certificate to a
user from a trusted domain. This is normal and is actively used by
various organizations because certificate mapping rules in IPA more
flexible than in AD. In those cases people get their certificates issued
by some other entity on tools like smartcards and IPA CA is not really
used for that.

- From the docs
https://www.freeipa.org/page/Active_Directory_trust_setup: Allow access
for users from AD domain to protected resources: Which "protected
resource" allows for users' certificates?

There is TLS certificate authentication that can be enabled for a web
app, for example. A combination of mod_ssl + mod_lookup_identity +
mod_auth_gssapi can turn a TLS client certificate authentication into a
service ticket to itself (Kerberos S4U2Self extension) and then use it
on behalf of the user to talk to other services (Kerberos S4U2Proxy
extension). This, for example, can be enabled to IPA Web UI.

users can administer IDM, but they cannot add a new Certificate Signing
Request to their own profile.

As I said, there is currently no implementation in certificate issuance
that would allow ID overrides to request certificates.

Please open a ticket and work on a possible design how this could look
like. You don't need to go deep to code level. Please list possible use
cases and expected workflow to allow understanding possible drawbacks of
this solution.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland
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