Trying to find the best option for me for better “shared” “/home” directories.

I ideally would like to give everyone a network based /home directory so I 
could quota the folders so people would quit filling up every severs /home 

We have two major use cases, the first isn’t much of a problem, but combined 
with the second it makes a problem. 

* We have servers that people login to with their LDAP that are always 
connected to our NFS server. 

* We also have laptops that users login with their LDAP account and connect to 
the network via VPN.

I realize I can force everyone’s home directory to like /nfshome/<user> in 
freeIPA, but the problem with this is if they are remote on the laptop it 
causes all kinds of issues when they aren’t on the VPN.

What are my options for handling this? Should I just quota everyone on the 
severs and tell everyone to use /nfshome/<user> and then leave the laptops 

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