Thank you very much for detailed and honest answer, Alexander. Based on what 
you wrote, I think I will bite the bullet and just start everything "fresh" 
with regards to the root CA. I don't have tons of LDAPS clients, so I'm willing 
to go through the hassle of changing their configured root CA in order to start 
with a fresh one. In order to ease the transition from IdM to FreeIPA, I'll 
most likely run both clusters in parallel (making sure to put all new 
user/group changes in FreeIPA only) so that I can switch over the LDAP clients 
gradually. As for the passwords, if I had any doubts, now I'm convinced that 
it's just safer and easier (if not convenient) to start anew here as well.

And thanks for that link to the Fraser articles. Should be some interesting 
reading for me; I definitely need to acquaint myself more with how FreeIPA and 
its handling of certificates.

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