I have a FreeIPA 4.10 installation with a Squid proxy server using the 
ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl helper for authorizations. At some point the helper 
stopped working correctly. The problem is that ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl uses 
the memberuid attribute, which is only available in the 
"cn=groups,cn=compat,dc=labeconomia,dc=unich,dc=it" subtree. Unfortunately, it 
seems that traversing the compat subtree is only possible when specifying a 
search base.

For example, the command  

ldapsearch -H <host> "(uid=studente)"  

returns the user 

If I want to get the corresponding user in the compat subtree, I need to  
specify a search base as in 

ldapsearch -H <host> -b "cn=compat,dc=labeconomia,dc=unich,dc=it" 

which correctly returns 

Now I wonder: is this the correct behavior ? And if this is correct, why did 
ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl use to work in the past ?

Thanks for any help.

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