On 29/03/2023 21:48, Ronald Wimmer via FreeIPA-users wrote:
On 29.03.23 22:30, Ronald Wimmer via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Is it possible to enforce the second factor for a user only when trying to login to specific hosts/host groups?

List here says yes... https://blog.delouw.ch/2016/10/16/freeipa-selective-2fa-authentication-indicators/

I'm gonna give it a try.

Sorry. Clicked on send to early... As I understand the link above, it would just be a

ipa host-mod  --auth-ind=otp secure.linuxhost.at

instead of enabling the option for some user. Right?

(or ipa service-mod --auth-ind=otp http/secure.linuxhost.at for a certain service)

But when I set the auth indicator on a host it does not seem to work. What am I missing?

Get a new TGT without providing a second factor. Then request a service ticket for host/secure.linuxhost.at; the KDC should refuse to hand out a ticket since your TGT doesn't have the 'otp' authentication indicator.


See also pam_sss_gss which can used to grant/deny authentication to a PAM service based on the authentication indicators present on the user's host/$HOSTNAME service ticket:


Services that authenticate clients via Kerberos authentication are also able to find out which authentication indicators are present on a client's service ticket, but I think this is quite new functionality that isn't implemented outside of pam_sss_gss so far.

Sam Morris <https://robots.org.uk/>
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