On 6/1/23 15:18, Sumit Bose via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Am Thu, Jun 01, 2023 at 02:18:40PM +0200 schrieb Jelle de Jong via 
Hello everybody,

I am looking for a way to digitally sign documents by end-users within an


correct me if I'm wrong, but to my understanding the certificate is not
sufficient for a digital signature because this requires the private key
and the certificate will only contain the public key for others to
verify your signature.

I agree with you, I can not figure out where FreeIPA would store the users private key?

However it does mention S/MIME signing support, and also not sure if these wiki pages are a draft of future features.




Does someone know if I can use FreeIPA as RootCA to and create new user private/public key pairs and store them in FreeIPA and retrieve them with SSSD?

I can add a certificate to every user with our IPA user-add-cert system.

I can use SSSD clients to pull up te certificate.


Is there a way to integrate SSSD user certificates into the Mozilla
Certificate Manager?



Has anybody otherwise done this with CAcert? or intergrate CAcert
certificates into ipa user-add-cert?

Kind regards,

Jelle de Jong
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