Le 12/10/2023 à 17:42, Florence Blanc-Renaud a écrit :

The CA installation fails because it finds an existing entry in "cn=LIX.POLYTECHNIQUE.FR <http://LIX.POLYTECHNIQUE.FR> IPA CA,cn=certificates,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=lix,dc=polytechnique,dc=fr". It really looks like your topology used to have a self-signed CA at one point.

If you look at this entry, does it correspond to a CA known to you?
You can extract the certificate using
ldapsearch -D "cn=directory\ manager" -W -b "cn=LIX.POLYTECHNIQUE.FR <http://LIX.POLYTECHNIQUE.FR> IPA CA,cn=certificates,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=lix,dc=polytechnique,dc=fr" -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no
which should show a value for cacertificate;binary:: <content>

Then create a pem file with the format
<here paste the content>
and execute: openssl x509 -noout -text -in <pemfile>

I can see in Authority Information Access:
                OCSP - URI:http://ipa2.lix.polytechnique.fr:80/ca/ocsp

this is the server used to generate the replica-info-ipa3.lix.polytechnique.fr.gpg file used to install the server
openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -CAfile /root/CNRS2-All.crt -in ipa3.lix.polytechnique.fr.pem -inkey ipa3.lix.polytechnique.fr.key -name IPA3 -out ipa3.lix.polytechnique.fr.pk12 -passout pass:??? ipa-replica-prepare --dirsrv_pkcs12=/root/ipa3.lix.polytechnique.fr.pk12 --dirsrv_pin=??? --http_pkcs12=/root/ipa3.lix.polytechnique.fr.pk12 --http_pin=??? ipa3.lix.polytechnique.fr

the CNRS2-All.crt is the same for all the servers and I get a pair of pem and key files for each servers

In CNRS2-All.crt, there are 3 certs from Issuer: C=FR, O=CNRS, CN=CNRS2

You mentioned in a previous email that the server was originally part of a cluster but got "extracted" out of it to run the tests. Did this set of servers have a self-signed IPA CA? In the logs we can see reference to 3 different CA certificates for "CN=Certificate Authority, O=LIX.POLYTECHNIQUE.FR <http://LIX.POLYTECHNIQUE.FR>" (self signed, issued in june, june and july 2016). It's really a confusing situation, as it's the subject that IPA CA would use by default but it could also be a completely different origin.

I do not know how was installed the first server, but everytime I add to renew the cert, I removed the server, generate the gpg file
and did a replica-install

I thougt using --ca-subject for the ipa-ca-install should solve the confusing situation. Can I delete or rename those 3 CA ?



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