I've just installed a Fedora 39 system and joined it to my IPA domain.

I've found that when an IPA user connects with SSH, they can't launch
podman rootless containers, nor can they create scope units.

Local users are unaffected, hence I thought I'd post here in the hope
that someone else can reproduce the error and/or can suggest additional
troubleshooting steps.

Here's what systemd logs when I try run 'systemd-run --user --scope echo

    Nov 15 08:52:15 systemd[6789]: run-r340eeb2a10484700937e131eaa242301.scope: 
Couldn't move process 127204 to requested cgroup 
 (directly or via the system bus): Input/output error
    Nov 15 08:52:15 systemd[6789]: run-r340eeb2a10484700937e131eaa242301.scope: 
Failed to add PIDs to scope's control group: Permission denied
    Nov 15 08:52:15 systemd[6789]: run-r340eeb2a10484700937e131eaa242301.scope: 
Failed with result 'resources'.
    Nov 15 08:52:15 systemd[6789]: Failed to start 
run-r340eeb2a10484700937e131eaa242301.scope - /usr/bin/echo hello.

Full details are at

Sam Morris <https://robots.org.uk/>
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